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Philippe Marschall edited this page Sep 8, 2018 · 5 revisions

All lists are ordered by author initials.

Core Development Team

Julian Fitzell, jf Nick Ager, NickAger Philippe Marschall, pmm

Code Contributors

Adrian Kuhn, akuhn Adrian Lienhard, al Andrew Catton, ac Anselm Strauss, as Adriaan van Os, Av0 Avi Shefi, as Boris Popov, (none) Cédrick Béler, cb Dale Henrichs, dkh Damien Cassou, dc Danie Roux, djr David Shaffer, cds Denis Defreyne, DenisDefreyne Diego Lont, DiegoLont Gerhard Obermann, obi Göran Krampe, gk Yar Hwee Boon, hboon Jason Rogers, jlr John O’Keefe, jok Keith Hodges, kph Kris Gybels, KrisGybels Michael Davies, MAD Mike Roberts, mjr Pavel Krivanek, pk Ramiro Diaz Trepat, rdt Ramon Leon, rjl Roger Whitney, rew Ron Teitelbaum, RJT Sebastian Heidbrink, sh Sean P. DeNigris, spd Stephan Eggermont, SJCE Stuart Herrin, StuartHerrin Tobias Pape, topa Tony Garnock-Jones, tonyg Torsten Bergmann, tbn Toon Verwaest, tv William Harford, wh Yann Monclair, YM

Website Contributors

Stephan Eggermont

Other Contributors

William Harford, updated the documentation Samuel Morello, made the design and logo for this web page Peter Macsadi, made the original Seaside logos John Thornborrow, made the powered-by logos


Avi Bryant, avi, ab Michel Bany, mb Lukas Renggli, lr

Unknown Contributors

unknown, dwj unknown, PSi unknown, ks unknown, vn unknown, mea unknown, did

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