Linux build and run instructions #3
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For anyone trying to run this on Arch, make sure you install |
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Or use |
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Thanks for sharing! I've added a link to this discussion to the readme. |
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I followed your instructions but when running
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I am attempting to run this on NixOS 23.05. I have installed the ⛵kubernetes-ab ~/Projects/SebLague
[10:17:47] ❯ git clone
Cloning into 'Chess-Challenge'...
remote: Enumerating objects: 152, done.
remote: Counting objects: 100% (45/45), done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (25/25), done.
remote: Total 152 (delta 22), reused 20 (delta 20), pack-reused 107
Receiving objects: 100% (152/152), 3.39 MiB | 4.75 MiB/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (41/41), done.
⛵kubernetes-ab ~/Projects/SebLague took 4s
[10:17:56] ❯ cd Chess-Challenge
⛵kubernetes-ab Chess-Challenge on main
[10:18:00] ❯ dotnet build
MSBuild version 17.3.2+561848881 for .NET
Determining projects to restore...
Restored /home/vilsol/Projects/SebLague/Chess-Challenge/Chess-Challenge/Chess-Challenge.csproj (in 241 ms).
/home/vilsol/Projects/SebLague/Chess-Challenge/Chess-Challenge/src/Framework/Chess/Board/Board.cs(71,37): warning CS8625: Cannot convert null literal to non-nullable reference type. [/home/vilsol/Projects/SebLague/Chess-Challenge/Chess-Challenge/Chess-Challenge.csproj]
Chess-Challenge -> /home/vilsol/Projects/SebLague/Chess-Challenge/Chess-Challenge/bin/Debug/net6.0/Chess-Challenge.dll
Build succeeded.
/home/vilsol/Projects/SebLague/Chess-Challenge/Chess-Challenge/src/Framework/Chess/Board/Board.cs(71,37): warning CS8625: Cannot convert null literal to non-nullable reference type. [/home/vilsol/Projects/SebLague/Chess-Challenge/Chess-Challenge/Chess-Challenge.csproj]
1 Warning(s)
0 Error(s)
Time Elapsed 00:00:02.53
⛵kubernetes-ab Chess-Challenge on main took 2s
[10:18:04] ❯ cd Chess-Challenge/bin/Debug/net6.0
⛵kubernetes-ab bin/Debug/net6.0 on main
[10:18:25] ❯ dotnet Chess-Challenge.dll
Launching Chess-Challenge version 1.1
[1] 2611399 segmentation fault (core dumped) dotnet Chess-Challenge.dll |
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I am new to CSharp and dotnet development, Is the version 6.0 a hard requirement for the program to work? |
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Im using Linux Mint and I get |
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Thanks for the instructions! For those who want to use an IDE, I got it working in Visual Studio Code. Be sure to install a non-flatpack version so that it's not sandboxed. |
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These steps worked for me on Mac as well! Thank you! |
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trying to make this work on a raspberry pi 5 but I'm struggling. I just want to have a go at making a bot with these and try against the other bots that were in the challenge. if it helps I'm using Debian 12 and making a fresh OS image is not an issue if I have to. |
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I managed to build and run the program on Linux, I'm sharing the instructions here.
If you have more experience please share it here!
@SebLague Is there a good place to put build instructions? Especially for people who don't use C# on a daily basis? 😄
Is the FAQ a good place to do it?
Anyway, here are the steps I used:
There are instructions here: for your OS
Example for people who use
(Debian/Ubuntu and derivatives):This should also install the proper runtime.
At the root of the repo you can run
You don't need to run this step everytime you make a modification.
Go to the directory where the ".csproj" is and do
dotnet run
.cd Chess-Challenge dotnet run
Alternatively, go to where the executable is created and run it directly.
cd Chess-Challenge/bin/Debug/net6.0/ dotnet Chess-Challenge.dll
If everything worked well, you should be able to see the chessboard and play with it 😃
Thanks to @JoseBritto for the addendums on building and running!
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