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WPT Security

Web Platform Threats: Automated Detection of Web Security Issues With WPT.

  • 📕 Technical report
  • BibTex:
        author = {Pedro Bernardo and Lorenzo Veronese and Valentino Dalla Valle and Stefano Calzavara and Marco Squarcina and Pedro Adão and Matteo Maffei},
        title = {Web Platform Threats: Automated Detection of Web Security Issues With {WPT}},
        booktitle = {33rd {USENIX} Security Symposium},
        publisher = {{USENIX} Association},
        year = {2024}

Repo Structure

├── docs
│   └── report.pdf          Extended version of the USENIX'24 paper
├── instrumentation/        Browser Instrumentation used by the runner
│   ├── extension/          Extension for tracing browser actions
│   │   ├── chromium/       Chromium extension
│   │   ├── firefox/        Firefox extension
│   │   └── safari/         Safari extension
│   └── proxy/              Proxy for logging requests/responses
├── kubernetes/             Kubernetes definitions to deploy the pipeline in a cluster
├── results/                Results of running the pipeline (USENIX'24 Paper)
│   ├── wpt/                Verification results of the WPT suite (Sec. 5.1)
│   └── beyond_wpt/         Verification results of the separate test suite of Sec. 5.3
├── runner/                 Docker container for running a browser and producing a trace
│   └── safari/             Safari-specific Docker container
├── trace_matching/         Trace parser and SMT-LIB generator
│   ├── trace_matching.smt  Definition of datatypes and invariants in SMT-LIB format
│   ...
├── Makefile                Makefile for automating common tasks
├──               This file
└── wpt-check               Local pipeline executable


WPT Security requires a working docker installation, the bash shell and GNU make. Make sure the current user is in the docker group and that the compose docker plugin is installed.

Download or build the pipeline docker images

./wpt-check pull    # or make pull

The command downloads three images from the github docker registry

  • wpt-runner Browser runner for Chromium and Firefox
  • wpt-safari-runner Browser runner for Safari (Note: this image does not include MacOS, which needs to be run separately)
  • wpt-trace-matching Trace verifier, including trace parsing and Z3

Alternatively, the images can be built locally with the following command.

./wpt-check build   # or make

Note that the build may take up to 30 minutes, as a specific version of z3 is compiled from source.

Verify all Web Invariants on the execution of WPT tests

./wpt-check run firefox '/cookies/secure/set-from-dom.https.sub.html'

The script runs the wpt-runner container, which executes the /cookies/secure/set-from-dom.https.sub.html WPT test with the instrumented firefox browser and collects the trace. Then, the wpt-trace-matching container is run, which converts the obtained execution trace to SMT-LIB, and verifies it with the Z3 theorem prover.

The verification results are printed on standard output for every subtest and invariant:

  • unsat: the invariant is valid;
  • sat: the invariant does not hold, i.e., Z3 could find a counterexample.

The test to execute is specified as the path of the test file in the WPT repository. A list of tests for each WPT subfolder can be obtained by running the wpt utility with the run --list-tests options from the WPT repository, or by executing, e.g,

./wpt-check -l cookies

to obtain a list of all tests in the cookies folder of WPT ('*' can be used to list all tests).

The wpt-check script supports running Firefox and Chromium. For Safari, refer to the runner/safari/ file for a guide on (i) how to install the Safari instrumentation on a MacOS system, and (ii) generate an execution trace in JSON format. The JSON trace can be verified using the wpt-check verify command, as described in the following.

Verify all Web Invariants on an execution trace in JSON format

./wpt-check verify safari_1710427255.json

The script converts the trace to SMT-LIB and verifies it using Z3. The output is printed in the same format as the wpt-check run command.