News: Pegasus Front End guide and new gpiOS modified theme, checkout the Video. Screenshots from your Gpi, Cloud sync saves, Spotify on Gpi, Boot Logo Pack, revised safeshutdown, Added Pico-8 guide, Fixed discord link. Added N64 to emulators chart. Added theme links. Started a sister site: MiSTer How-To's
If you would like to add to these guides, create a fork of them on github, add your modifications, then make a pull request to send your changes and additions to be merged, here: Github Repository Link.
Advanced Controller Framework install guide
Cloud Sync saves by alexandershalin
Controls/D-pad are not Working!
Openbor 3400 Install Guide older
Super Mario All Stars Controls Fix
Theme: Gameboy Zero 35 by Rxbrad
Theme: MiniJawn by Cory Anotado
Theme: Super Retroboy by Travis Wilson
Theme: bebeidon/es-theme-pixel Modified for Gpi