The C++ core is based upon the third-party library deal.II. Besides, PETSc is required to provided MPI interface and corresponding objects such as sparsematrix etc.
Before installation process, it is required to have CMake. If installation is on Mac OSX, xcode and commend line tool is also required. Checkout deal.II wiki for instructions.
deal.II installation package can be downloaded here on the upper right corner. Checkout the Section "Detailed instructions" of deal.II wiki page for installation steps.
This installation contains every aspect of deal.II including PETSc, Trilinos, etc.
Installation on Linux/Unix and OSX can be done through Homebrew Linuxbrew as well. Checkout here for instructions.
Installation can also be done through following instructions in candi.
This is to build deal.II with PETSc from scratch by oneself, which gives the most flexibility but is not recommended. If interested, please check here.
Up to 2017-07-13, one could only build the core of BART, which is XTrans. In the future this will be updated.
To build the core, one needs to add two lines to the ~/.profile to tell where the deal.II build is. If one installs deal.II using .dmg, one will see the requested two lines when opening the deal.II app. Depending on the version of deal.II, there will be suggestion adding something like:
. /Applications/
And then source ~/.profile. In the source code directory (where there is the CMakeLists.txt), type:
cmake .
Notice that in the future for running research problems, rather than development, replace make
make release
so that the code will run in release mode, which can be several times faster.
There is no requirement to add commands in ~/.bashrc. The only thing one needs to do after being in the source directory is:
cmake -DDEAL_II_DIR=the_path_to_dealii .
And then:
or make release