Please read the Terms of Service carefully before using NASABot.
NASABot is not made by, not controlled by, and not affiliated with Discord Inc., and its platform Discord on which the bot exists.
Do not misuse NASABot for the following:
- Abuse of NASABot features that may inconvenience other users or the bot itself.
- Spamming of commands.
- Any illegal activity under the name of NASABot.
- Creation of alternate accounts to bypass termination.
Failure to comply to the Terms of Service may result in termination or suspension of access to the bot immediately, without prior notice or liability, under the sole discretion of the creator.
The bot uses several APIs and services to provide for its users via links, images, or other forms of media created by third-parties that are not owned or controlled by NASABot. You acknowledge and agree that AstroBot shall not be responsible or liable for any damages or other unlawful behaviour performed by the third party. It is strongly advised that you read the terms and conditions and privacy policies of any third party web sites or services that you visit. The creator therefore reserves the right to change or update information and to correct errors, inaccuracies, or omissions at any time without prior notice.
The creator can be contacted at Sniper Noob#5606 (181588597558738954).