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Niall O'Higgins edited this page Aug 19, 2013 · 9 revisions


The execution of plugin hooks needs to be order-able beyond mere phase buckets. This will be configurable on a per-project bases, but that should be the the exception, not the rule. Plugins should be intelligent enough to make ordering (usually) automatic.

Current work:

@peterbraden has made a lot of progress on this. To test his changes you must run the following components on the following branches:

Notes / Feedback / TODO

  • Many published plugins missing id field in strider.json. Fix or move to package.json section before release.
  • Node.JS rules moved out of core, you must have strider-node installed.
  • Regarding the above move out of core - if this plugin is missing, the job will hang which is useless. How do we handle missing plugins for jobs?
  • Currently saved jobs seem to just hang?


Would this problem go away if there were just more granular phases? probably not.


Plugins that would need to be run before or after other plugins within a phase

  • ??? sauce / tunneling / qunit ?

Proposed solutions

Weights (currently implemented)

Lower weights get executed first.

"runs before" or "runs after"

Plugin indicates a specific plugin or class of plugins before or after which it should be run

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