How do we start this one?
Or what if this had no structure
or form
or rhyme
or flow
But we just
let it be.
This is no masterpiece, I’m sure
But perhaps it’s something more
When the rhyming couplets come naturally
And we don’t go back and edit,
Whatever’s written stays written.
Like traditional pen-and-paper
There is less thought into this, no doubt
But there is more thought it here, all thoughts
Whatever comes to mind ~ down
And imperfections might linger
if only to remind a future descendant of prior gaps
Maybe they’ll be the one to fill it.
Are these even filled with deeper meaning?
Why do I write them?
An escape
A medium
for expression, if I even needed that
Every wackoff piece like this
dilutes the purity of this directory
who cares.
I care, but –
maybe this is what I need.
How can I have so many thoughts
cataclysmically reverberating within this space
Demanding to be voiced and recorded
Recced and docced, as I now say
so much thought
for meaning beyond
This barely classes as a poem.
We shall leave it as a footnote.
One final rhyming couplet, tick–
That ought to do the trick.
(December 2023)