- Fix mask for ECAN ERR block to document that block.
- Move supporting C code into a clib directory.
- Fix display of the 'data' input label on the mask.
- Modify the Configure ECAN1 block to use the 'Start' function mode of the C-function block instead of the current 'Update' mode.
- Extract the data length and remove it as an input to the ECAN1 TX block.
- Remove the trigger input to the block.
- Let users place it in a triggered subsystem if they want it triggered instead of building it into the block.
- Add a model that sends many more messages than possible during a single timestep on the press of a button to test multi-step transmission of the buffer.
- Rename the Projects directory to Examples.
- Add a README.md file to the Examples directory to document the various examples in there.
- After all of these changes, tag it as a Version 1 release.
- Push this back up to Lubin for incorporation into his blockset.
- The ECAN ERR block should output two booleans.
- Go through and revamp all of the example code so that it's tested and works correctly.
- Extended ID messages are not handled properly for transmission using the Simulink block. It looks like that the block will truncate the ID and only send a standard transmission packet.