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Optimized Student Profiles

Damith C. Rajapakse edited this page Jan 25, 2019 · 2 revisions
  • Priority: High
  • Knowledge required: Full-stack development/testing, E2E testing
  • Status: Completed

Give students the ability to create a profile that contains some personal information and a profile picture.

This feature will allow the instructor to see details of all past students.

While this sounds very trivial at first, these are the aspects that makes the project non-trivial:

  1. The ability for the student to crop the photo so that only the face is captured.
  2. Compressing the image to reduce storage costs.
  3. Explore the possibility of linking up with profiles/avatars stored in third party systems such as Google+, Facebook, LinkedIn, etc.
  4. Automated/semi-automated mechanism to 'nag' students to complete the profile.
  5. Handling the problem of outdated profile data, e.g. the contact email may become outdated when the student graduates.
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