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File metadata and controls

62 lines (37 loc) · 2.67 KB

This steps are based on

  1. Compile wasm

Clone erc20 contract in RUST and compile it. The result is .wasm file. Take an example of erc20 contract from here -

  1. Upload wasm

Upload compile wasm contract to the chain.

teritorid tx wasm store cw_erc20.wasm --from validator --chain-id testing --gas auto --gas-adjustment 1.3 -b block --keyring-backend=test --home=$HOME/.teritorid/ -y

This command will return a code number which starts from 1.

  1. instantiate

Create a contract from uploaded wasm. This will use the code number generated at upload step.

teritorid tx wasm instantiate 1 'instantiate message' --amount 50000utori --label "teritori erc20" --from validator --chain-id testing --gas auto --gas-adjustment 1.3 -b block --keyring-backend=test --home=$HOME/.teritorid/ --no-admin -y

teritorid tx wasm instantiate 1 '{"name":"Nxtpop Coin","symbol":"NPOP","decimals":6,"initial_balances":[{"address":"pop1...","amount":"12345678000"}]}' --amount 50000utori --label "teritori erc20" --from validator --chain-id testing --gas auto --gas-adjustment 1.3 -b block --keyring-backend=test --home=$HOME/.teritorid/ --no-admin -y

This command will return a contract address.

  1. query contract

Query contract info by address. Use above generated contract address to check contract info.

teritorid query wasm contract "contract address"

teritorid query wasm contract pop1.....
  1. query balance

Query balance of an address. At first, try to check the address with initial balances.

teritorid query wasm contract-state smart "contract address" '{"balance":{"address":"user address"}}'

teritorid query wasm contract-state smart pop1... '{"balance":{"address":"pop1..."}}'
  1. transfer cw20 token

Transfer cw20 token to an address.

teritorid tx wasm execute "contract address" 'transfer message' --from initial --chain-id testing --gas auto --gas-adjustment 1.3 -b block --keyring-backend=test --home=$HOME/.teritorid/ -y

teritorid tx wasm execute "contract address" '{"transfer":{"amount":"amount","owner":"from address","recipient":"receiver address"}}' --from initial --chain-id testing --gas auto --gas-adjustment 1.3 -b block --keyring-backend=test --home=$HOME/.teritorid/ -y

teritorid tx wasm execute pop1... '{"transfer":{"amount":"200","owner":"pop1...","recipient":"pop1..."}}' --from initial --chain-id testing --gas auto --gas-adjustment 1.3 -b block --keyring-backend=test --home=$HOME/.teritorid/ -y

Try to test balance changes after transfer using teritorid query wasm contract-state smart command in step 5.