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Item Identifying parameters

IdiNium edited this page Feb 3, 2021 · 13 revisions

3.2 - Item identifying parameter

You have 3 choices of item identifying parameters on how you want to add your items:

  1. name - Must be the item based name (without any quality/effect/Killstreak and etc)
  2. defindex - The item definition index. You can find it here or here
  3. sku (recommended) - The item "Stock Keeping Unit".

3.2.1 - name and defindex parameters

These two parameters act the same since the defindex (in integer form) is just a replacement for the name of an item (if the bot failed to choose the item, so it needs more specific detail of an item). There are 6 optional sub-parameters under these two item identifying parameters:

Table 3.2: Sub-parameters for name and defindex.

Parameter Default Description
craftable true Set to false if you want the item to be a Non-Craftable.
quality Unique Normal/ Genuine/ Vintage/ Unusual/ Unique/ Community/ Valve/ Self-made/ Strange/ Haunted/ Collector's/ Decorated (this is case sensitive).
australium false Set to true if you want that item to be an Australium (Australium-able weapons only).
effect null An Unusual effect name, for example: Sunbeams or Green Confetti.
killstreak 0 This should be in an integer of 1 to 3 only. 1 - Killstreak, 2 - Specialized Killstreak, and 3 - Professional Killstreak.
festive false Set to true if the item is Festivized.
paintkit null When adding a decorated weapon/skin. This should be the War Paint name (broken).

3.2.2 - sku parameter

This parameter is recommended because you will no longer need to use the sub-parameters in Table 3.2. So how can I find the sku of a specific item?

  • Go to
  • In the search bar, type in the item name or unusual effect, or anything related.
  • If "No items found", simply click on the "In stock" button two to the right of the search bar and it will change to "Not In Stock".
  • If your desired item appeared, click on it and take a look at the URL. The item sku is right at the end of the URL.
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