A python library for (finite) Partial Monitoring algorithms
Partial Monitoring(PM) is a general framework for sequential decision making with imperfect feedback. PM generalizes a host of problems including for instance multi-armed bandits, prediction with expert advices, dynamic #, apple tasting, dark pools, label efficient prediction and dueling bandits.
Each problem is formalized by a couple of matrices
At each step of the game, the learner chooses an action
and the environment chooses an outome
gives the loss of action
for outome
gives a (symbolic or numeric) feedback for this situation.
The aim of the learner is to control her regret against an informed policy.
See N. Cesa-Bianchi, G. Lugosi "Prediction, Learning, and Games" 2006 on chapter 6 for an introduction: http://homes.dsi.unimi.it/~cesabian/predbook/
We plan to add several generic PM algorithm, but the present version only includes FeedExp3 and its variants. See http://archive.cone.informatik.uni-freiburg.de/pubs/siim-tr-00-18.pdf or http://stoltz.perso.math.cnrs.fr/Publications/CBLS-pmonit.pdf
We also provide Rex3, an adhoc algorithm for dueling bandits: http://proceedings.mlr.press/v37/gajane15.html
The Function pmlib.problemClass(game)
can analyze any game and provide its position in the PM complexity hierarchy as defined in
(Bartok et al. "Partial monitoring – classification, regret bounds, and algorithms" 2013).
This can be either:
- TRIVIAL if a single action domines all others. It gives a constant regret.
- EASY if all pairs of actions are globally observable and all neighbouring actions are locally observable. It gives a min-max regret in
- HARD if all pairs of actions are globally observable. It gives a min-max regret in
- INTRACTABLE if some pairs of actions are non globally observable.
This library is based on the the Parma Polyhedra Library for the "Cell decomposition":
- http://bugseng.com/products/ppl/
- Reference: R. Bagnara et al.. "The Parma Polyhedra Library: Toward a complete set of numerical abstractions for the analysis and verification of hardware and software systems." Science of Computer Programming, 72(1-2):3-21, 2008
You must intall this library and its python wrapper to use pmlib:
We also use numpy, scipy and pandas.