Kernighan Lin is a heuristic algorithm for finding partitions of graphs, which is mainly used for bipartite a graph
For given graph be divided into two sets of vertex v1 and v2, we want to find 2 vertex belonging to different set, by switch them we could optimize cut result.
Let's say vertex a
belonging to V1 and vertex b
belonging to V2. For current division, cut size is 5, by moving a to V2 and b to V1, we got worse cut size 6 which could not help to gain better cut.
Basic algorithm
Step1: calculate a sequence of gains
Step2: accumulate gains
- Comments about implementation
min_id = -1
self.swaps = []
while self.get_nominal_cut_size() < nominal_cut_size:
nominal_cut_size = self.get_nominal_cut_size()
min_cost = float("Inf")
for i in range(cut_size):
# Signle swap will calculate max gain for each combination from group_a_unchosen and group_b_unchosen
cost = self.get_nominal_cut_size()
if cost < min_cost:
min_cost = cost
min_id = i
# Undo swaps done after the minimum was reached
for i in range(min_id+1, cut_size):
vertice_b, vertice_a = self.swaps[i]
self.do_swap((vertice_a, vertice_b))
# Reset unchosen group based on adjust items.
# When there is any gain, this algorithm won't stop, so need huristic to speed up(inside single_swap)
self.group_a_unchosen, self.group_b_unchosen = \
For more context could go to code here
The major issue for kernighan_lin is the cost of the algorithm is too high, which takes O(V^2*n)
- Kernighan Lin alg is sensitive to initial partition's result, with good initial result could convergent �quickly. But in real case its hard to estimate that.