- #665 Reflect changes introduced with UBO-372 (#666)
- #669 Add status "Review pending" (Jena) (#670)
- FSU040THUL-5394 #667 Added 'Austellungskatalog' to ubogenre.xml (#668)
- #614 Updated solr request handlers to reflect recent changes due to migration from fachreferate to destatis classification (#649)
- #614 Use class mapping for determining destatis from ORIGIN.xml (#615)
- #652 Updated mycore parent version to 53 (#653)
- #656 Support search by lead id (#657)
- #658 Moved code from class ThUniBibUtils to Utilities class (#659)
- #658 Updated callJava uri in mycoreobject-mods-detailed.xsl (#660)
- #661 Updated mods:name xpath in thunibib-solr.xsl and updated solr-schema.json (#662)
- FSU040THUL-5039 #632 Add support for genre special issue (#633)
- FSU040THUL-5314 #647 Fixed size limits in display of facet counts (#648)
- FSU040THUL-5393 #650 Allow to indicate actual affiliation of author at time of publication (#651)
- FSU040THUL-5393 #663 Activated ThUniBibAffiliationEventHandler by setting MCR.EventHandler.MCRObject.019a.Class=de.uni_jena.thunibib.common.events.ThUniBibAffiliationEventHandler in mycore.properties (Weimar only) (#664)
- FSU040THUL-5452 #654 Excluded DBT as source of enrichment (#655)
- #637 Update ORIGIN.xml (Ilmenau)(#636) (#638)
- FSU040THUL-5159 #641 Hide person_ths option in import-search.xed (#642)
- FSU040THUL-5245 #643 Retain identfiers of type 'hdl' in thunibib-mods-filter-supported.xsl (#644)
- FSU040THUL-5272 #645 Updated status i18n keys (#646)
- #464 Migrate to MyCoRe 2023.06.x (#465)
- #621 Updated csl style for Ilmenau (#622) (#623)
- #625 Added log4j2.xml (#626)
- #627 Set MCR.user2.matching.chain to de.uni_jena.thunibib.matcher.ThUniBibMatcherLDAP (#628)
- #629 Fixed link to communication and marketing department in impressum.xml (Jena) (#631)
- #629 Updated impressum.xml (Jena) (#630)
- #634 Fixed IllegalStateException in ThUniBibImportJobAction (#635)
- FSU040THUL-4406 #616 [WE] Updated privacy-statement.xml (#617)
- FSU040THUL-4412 #618 Added CC0 1.0 to licenses.xml (#619)
- #621 Updated csl style for Ilmenau (#623)
- FSU040THUL-4412 #618 Added CC0 1.0 to licenses.xml (#619)
- FSU040THUL-4406 #616 [WE] Updated privacy-statement.xml
- #608 Simplified embedding of web fonts (#609)
- FSU040THUL-4181 #610 Support search by publisher in extended search.xed (#611)
- FSU040THUL-4246 #612 Fixed calculation of max value of y-axis (#613)
- #572 Added solr fields accessrights and peerreviewed to UBO.Export.Fields (#573)
- #574 Overwrite i18n ubo.person.connected.sup for Ilmenau and Jena (#575)
- #576 Added information about author icons to faq.xml (Ilmenau) (#577)
- #578 Configured PPN2DBT-ID enrichment (#579)
- #580 Do not map publications of type "others" to all possible orcid types (#581)
- #582 Overwrite i18n ubo.person.connected.sup (Erfurt) (#583)
- #586 Fixed property MCR.MODS.EnrichmentResolver.DataSources.scopusImport (prepend missing % character) (#587)
- #591 Update index.xed (#590) (#592)
- #596 Update .*xml files (Ilmenau) (#597)
- #606 Updated privacy statement (Weimar) (#607)
- FSU040THUL-3958 #584 Reflect changes as in UBO-348 (#585)
- FSU040THUL-4069 #598 Map thesis to dissertation during import from k10+ (Weimar) (#599)
- FSU040THUL-4078 #588 Fork mycoreobject-e-mail.xsl from UBO (#589)
- FSU040THUL-4123 #601 Added "f.year.facet.limit":-1 (no limit) to request handler configurations in solr-config.json (#603)
- #545 Added flags indicating current language as svg graphics (#546)
- #548 FSU040THUL-3594 Use gvk for imports by ISBN (#549)
- #553 Updated maven-publish.yml and added maven-pr.yml (#554)
- #567 Update .*xed files for Ilmenau (#568)
- #570 FSU040THUL-3728 Added solr field to support wildcard queries in mods:note elements (#571)
- #462 Enable genre mapping to/from orcid (#463)
- #478 Reflect changes of mods:genre handling in base UBO (#479)
- #527 Made request handler for statistics dynamic by adding /statistics-all handler (#528)
- #531 Added property MCR.user2.LDAP.Mapping.labeledURI.id_viaf.schema (#532)
- #533 Unified name of file containing the privacy statement for all instances, added and linked first version of privacy statement for Weimar (#534)
- #537 Add accessibility statement (Ilmenau) and improved overall accessibility(#538)
- #541 Improve import from DBT (#542)
- FSU040THUL-2373 #535 Updated json.facet parameter in for statistic request handlers in solr-config.json (#536)
- FSU040THUL-292 #529 Adopted template <xed:template id="languages"/> to rfc5646 (#530)
- FSU040THUL-2947 #525 Updated ORIGIN.xml (Weimar) (#540)
- FSU040THUL-3377 #543 Überarbeitung Anmeldelink und Sprachauswahl (#544)
- #359 Enable typo3 plugin for publication lists (#466)
- #484 Do not use MCRQL for querying solr on landing page (#485)
- #499 Fix odd display of orcid icon next to username in templates of Erfurt, Ilmenau and Weimar (#500)
- #503 Update ORIGIN.xml (Ilmenau) (#501)
- #504 Update newPublication.xed (Ilmenau) (#502)
- #505 Updated impressum.xml (Jena) (#506)
- #507 Set properties MCR.user2.IdentityManagement.UserCreation.Affiliation=Uni Erfurt and MCR.user2.IdentityManagement.UserCreation.LDAP.Realm=uni-erfurt.de (#508)
- #509 Fixed typo in ORIGIN.xml (Weimar) (#510)
- #513 Fixed ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException in ThUniBibCommands#moveUserToRealm (#514)
- #522 Overwrite property MCR.user2.LDAP.searchFilter.base for Erfurt (#523)
- Bump org.apache.solr:solr-solrj from 8.11.1 to 8.11.3 (#512)
- FSU040THUL-2452 #488 Retain mods:note[type='@university_thesis_note'] (#489)
- FSU040THUL-2569 #517 Updated English labels related to UBO basket functionality (#518)
- FSU040THUL-2670 #497 Fixed template 'uboTypeOfResource' in pica2mods_thunibib-common.xsl (#498)
- FSU040THUL-2889 #515 Overwrite i18n 'facets.facet.subject' from base ubo (#516)
- FSU040THUL-2934 #520 Added accessrights, peerreviewed and mediaType as facets (#521)
- [thunibib-weimar] - Update ORIGIN.xml (#511)
- #480 Added class ThUniBibMatcherLDAP (#481)
- #487 Update faq.xml (#486)
- #494 Removed property UBO.Login.Path from mycore.properties (Erfurt) (#495)
- FSU040THUL-2604 #490 Overwrite i18n ubo.person.connected of base UBO (#491)
- FSU040THUL-2609 #492 Updated ORIGIN.xml (Erfurt) (#493)
- #469 table header in list of vanished ldap users is generated to often (#470)
- #475 Added properties MCR.user2.IdentityManagement.UserCreation.Affiliation and MCR.user2.IdentityManagement.UserCreation.LDAP.Realm (#477)
- #475 Removed MCR.user2.matching.chain=org.mycore.ubo.matcher.MCRUserMatcherDummy (#476)
- FSU040THUL-2021 #471 Update funding of publications via cron job, disabled by default (#472)
- #330 Add ORCID integration from base UBO
- #425 Fixed error duplicate template 'layout.pageTitle'
- #441 Fixed resource leak in de.uni_jena.thunibib.ThUniBibCommands.updateProjects (#442)
- #443 Added classification nameIdentifier for each instance (#444)
- #451 Fixed error when multiple fundings are removed
- #455 Directory structure in thunibib-weimar/erfurt does not meet 'ubo-ansible' requirements
- #455 Implement transformer for detailed mods:name metadata
- #457 Applied changes needed to match orcid member api requirements
- FSU040THUL-1197 #421 Fehlender Link bei Online-Publikation ohne DOI
- FSU040THUL-1214 Probleme bei Import: Konferenz-/Tagungsband im Standardformular
- FSU040THUL-1243 #417 Added field connection_nid_text as facet
- FSU040THUL-1278 #427 PPN Import: Corresponding Author wird beim Enrichment über Scopus ignoriert
- FSU040THUL-1278 #429 Für KDSF-Konformität nötige Erfassungsfelder ergänzen (#430)
- FSU040THUL-1281 #436 Position "Access Rights" sollte zwischen "Open Access" und "Lizenztyp" liegen
- FSU040THUL-1405 #460 Falsche Bezeichnung der Auflage als Ausgabe behoben
- FSU040THUL-1564 Eingabemaske "Access Rights" und "Open Access" (#448)
- FSU040THUL-1971 #467 Added i18n 'ubo.interviewer.abbreviated' (#468)
- FSU040THUL-206 #433 Anreicherung mit URL nur bei Closed Access Publikationen
- FSU040THUL-405 #423 "Lücke" in den Ergebnissen der Personensuche (#424)
- FSU040THUL-972 Allow to set multiple fundings during import, made fundingType repeatable in form
- FSU040THUL-1017 #413 Mark corresponding author during scopus import
- FSU040THUL-1155 #404 Ergänzung ORIGIN.xml (Erfurt)
- FSU040THUL-1155 #406 Schriftfarbe anpassen "Es gibt eventuell eine Dublette" und "Damit verbunden: 1 Publikation(en)"
- FSU040THUL-1218 #411 Erweiterung CSV-Export
- FSU040THUL-972 #408 Added command stub "thunibib update funding of publications from url {0}"
- Update impressum.xml for Weimar
- Updated CHANGELOG.md
- Updated ORIGIN.xml (Ilmenau)
- Updated contact.xml in thunibib-weimar
- add first version of KDSF mapping for ilmenau
- adopt font of bibentries export in html to CD of TU Ilmenau
- minor layout improvements: (#435)
- #330 Add ORCID integration from base UBO
- #425 Fixed error duplicate template 'layout.pageTitle'
- #441 Fixed resource leak in de.uni_jena.thunibib.ThUniBibCommands.updateProjects
- #443 Added classification nameIdentifier for each instance
- #455 Implement transformer for detailed mods:name metadata
- FSU040THUL-1197 #421 Fehlender Link bei Online-Publikation ohne DOI
- FSU040THUL-1214 Probleme bei Import: Konferenz-/Tagungsband im Standardformular
- FSU040THUL-1243 #417 Added field connection_nid_text as facet
- FSU040THUL-1278 #427 PPN Import: Corresponding Author wird beim Enrichment über Scopus ignoriert
- FSU040THUL-1281 #429 Für KDSF-Konformität nötige Erfassungsfelder ergänzen
- FSU040THUL-1281 #436 Position "Access Rights" sollte zwischen "Open Access" und "Lizenztyp" liegen
- FSU040THUL-1564 Eingabemaske "Access Rights" und "Open Access"
- FSU040THUL-206 #433 Anreicherung mit URL nur bei Closed Access Publikationen
- FSU040THUL-405 #423 "Lücke" in den Ergebnissen der Personensuche
- FSU040THUL-972 Allow to set multiple fundings during import, made fundingType repeatable in form
- FSU040THUL-1017 #413 Mark corresponding author during scopus import
- FSU040THUL-1155 #404 Ergänzung ORIGIN.xml (Erfurt)
- FSU040THUL-1198 #406 Schriftfarbe anpassen "Es gibt eventuell eine Dublette" und "Damit verbunden: 1 Publikation(en)"
- FSU040THUL-1218 #411 Erweiterung CSV-Export
- FSU040THUL-972 #408 Added command stub "thunibib update funding of publications from url {0}"
- Updated ORIGIN.xml (Ilmenau)
- Adopt font of bibentries export in html to CD of TU Ilmenau
- Minor layout improvements
- FSU040THUL-1048 #402 Added xslt-remove-subject-from-list.xsl
- #386 Set mycore version to 2022.06.3-SNAPSHOT
- #388 Add xslt stylesheet to remove eduPersonUniqueId
- #396 Added command "schedule pica import for query {0} and filter {1}"
- #398 Added UI to list currently stored MCRJobs
- #400 Configured MCR.Cronjob.Jobs.UpdateSolrProjectCore
- Added null check in ThUniBibImportJobAction
- Added null check in de.uni_jena.thunibib.ThUniBibMailer
- FSU040THUL-1050 #392 Added order attributes to commands in EnrichmentByAffiliationCommands
- FSU040THUL-1066 #394 Added i18n ubo.relatedItem.format_other. Sort and formatted messages_en.properties and messages_de.properties
- FSU040THUL-383 #384 Angabe bei mehrtägiger Konferenzdauer
- FSU040THUL-841 #341 Import von Schlagwörtern erfolgt nur eingeschränkt
- FSU040THUL-909 #376 Allow multiple origin entries for a given ppn (Erfurt)
- FSU040THUL-913 #378 DESTATIS sollte nicht mehr während des Imports gesetzt werden
- FSU040THUL-914 #381 Aktualisierung Logo Hochschulbibliografie (Ilmenau)
- FSU040THUL-915 #380 Aktualisierung des Körperschaftsicons im IdentityPicker
- Set MCR.user2.matching.lead_id.skip = true (Ilmenau)
- #355 Added xslt-set-partOf-false.xsl
- #357 Added stylesheet to fix connections ids
- #362 Added CONTRIBUTING.md
- #368 Set MCR.user2.IdentityManagement.UserCreation.Unvalidated.Realm = local
- #371 Provide classification user_attributes.xml for every thunibib instance and unify message properties for local IDs
- FSU040THUL-618 #360 Anpassungen ADMIN-Editor
- FSU040THUL-835 #366 Set $primary to #024975 in _variables_ilmenau.scss. Set backround-color to $primary for #navigationWrapper in _navigation.scss
- Prefer GBV as source (catalog import)
- Remove local matcher from chain, is always configured
- Fix MCR.IdentityPicker.strategy, set LDAPWithLocal as default
- Updated CHANGELOG.md
- #266 Removed role 'wst', updated text for role 'his' and added role 'oth' to marcrelator-corporation.xml
- #306 Mapping K10+ Import Uni Erfurt
- #320 Update origin.xml for Jena
- #321 Removed restriction from xed:repeat element for classification 'fachreferate'
- #323 Allow all users to search for both confirmed and unchecked publications
- #324 List most recent documents on landing page (Weimar)
- #328 Added command 'list gone ldap users for realm {0}'
- #333 Apply external changes to accessibility.xml [Ilmenau]
- #335 Updated solr uris in index.xed (Ilmenau)
- #336 Set property MCR.IdentityPicker.strategy.Local.PID.Filter.enabled = false MyCoRe-Org/ubo#290
- #337 Use oa colors provided by base ubo for statistics and badges
- #340 Use origin_exact facet for statistics
- #342 Set property UBO.Export.Status.Restriction = +(status:confirmed status:unchecked)
- #344 Enable import by dbt id via newPublication.xed
- #349 Update ORIGIN.xml
- #351 Load rfc5646 in pica2mods_thunibib-common.xsl by resource uri resolver
- Reflect changes in UBOs Java and MyCoRe version
- UBO-238 Added/altered i18n keys
- Enable JSON support for MyCoRe REST-API #316