A Hetic based RPG https://youtu.be/WsK3OhZ-uAg
- Open your terminal
- Write "chmod +x " ( don't forget the space after "+x" )
- Drag and drop the "Heretic.command" file in the terminal
- Press enter
Now you're set, you can open the file "Heretic.command" normally and enjoy the game as much as you like !
- Open the file "Heretic.exe"
Heretic is the first project i ever developped with the help of a friend of mine who made all the assets. It was a project where we had to make a textual RPG game in less than 2 months (actually 1 month of real work in parrallel of studying). It is a reproduction of Hetic where i'm a first year student.
- Thanh-Long Pham - Developer : https://www.linkedin.com/in/thanh-long-pham-9942111b9/
- Louis Leveneur - Designer : https://www.linkedin.com/in/louis-leveneur-74410b1b9/
To the professionals who agreed to appear in this game :
- Grégoire Charassin
- Joël Fauvelet de Charbonnière de Bourienne
- Frédéric Martinez
- Priscille Marty
- Loïc Janin