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125 lines (92 loc) · 6.51 KB

File metadata and controls

125 lines (92 loc) · 6.51 KB


☑️ Bandit verified  |  ☑️ Synk verified  |  ☑️ Pylint verified 9.89/10

alt text alt text


This tool may be used for legal purposes only.
Users take full responsibility for any actions performed using this tool.
The author accepts no liability for damage caused by this tool.
If these terms are not acceptable to you, then do not use this tool.


As a network and info-sec enthusiast the purpose of this project was originally to make a keylogger.
I decided to see what else can be incorporated and the project evolved into more of the functionality of spyware.
Despite such functionality, the program does not attempt persistence or modify the registry, so it can be run outside of sandboxes.
Tutorial can be found at

How it works

  • Creates a directory to temporarily store information to exfiltrate
  • Gets all the essential network information -> stores to log file   (takes about a minute in a half)
  • Gets the wireless network ssid's and passwords in XML data file
  • Retrieves system hardware and running process/service info
  • If on Windows and the clipboard is activated and contains anything -> stores to log file
  • Browsing history is retrieved as a JSON data file then dumped into a log file
  • Then using multiprocessing 4 features work together simultaneously for default 5 minute interval:
  1. Log pressed keys
  2. Take screenshots every 5 seconds
  3. Record microphone in one minute segments
  4. Take webcam picture every 5 seconds
  • After all the .txt and .xml files are grouped together and encrypted to protect sensitive data
  • Then by individual directory, the files are grouped and sent through email by file type with regex magic
  • Finally, the Log directory is deleted and the program loops back to the beginning to repeat the same process


The program is licensed under GNU Public License v3.0

Contributions or Issues



This program runs on Windows 10 and Debian-based Linux, written in Python 3.8 and updated to version 3.10.6


  • Run the script to build a virtual environment and install all external packages in the created venv.

  - Windows: python venv
  - Linux: python3 venv

  • Once virtual env is built traverse to the (Scripts-Windows or bin-Linux) directory in the environment folder just created.
  • For Windows, in the venv\Scripts directory, execute activate or activate.bat script to activate the virtual environment.
  • For Linux, in the venv/bin directory, execute source activate to activate the virtual environment.
  • If for some reason issues are experienced with the setup script, the alternative is to manually create an environment, activate it, then run pip install -r packages.txt in project root.
  • To exit from the virtual environment when finished, execute deactivate.

How to use

  • In google account, set up multi-factor authentication and generate application password for Gmail to allow API usage
  • At the beginning of send_mail() function enter your full email( ) and generated app password
  • Open up a command prompt and run the program
  • Change to the directory the program is placed and execute it
  • Open the graphical file manager and go to the directory set at the beginning of main() function to watch the program in action
  • After files are encrypted and sent to email, download them place them in the directory specified in and run the program in command prompt.

Function Layout

-- --

smtp_handler  -  Facilitates sending the emails with the encrypted data to be exfiltrated.

email_attach  -  Creates email attach object and returns it.

email_header  -  Format email header and body.

send_mail  -  Facilitates sending emails in a segmented fashion based on regex matches.

encrypt_data  -  Encrypts all the file data in the parameter list of files to be exfiltrated.

RegObject  -  Regex object that contains numerous compiled expressions grouped together.

webcam  -  Captures webcam pictures every five seconds.

microphone  -  Actively records microphone in 60 second intervals.

screenshot  -  Captured screenshots every five seconds.

log_keys  -  Detect and log keys pressed by the user.

get_browser_history  -  Get the browser username, path to browser databases, and the entire browser history.

get_clipboard  -  Gathers the clipboard contents and writes the output to the clipboard output file.

get_system_info  -  Runs an array of commands to gather system and hardware information. All the output is redirected to the system info output file.

linux_wifi_query  -  Runs nmcli commands to query a list of Wi-Fi SSID's that the system has encountered. The SSID list is then iterated over line by line to query for each profile include passwords. All the output is redirected to the Wi-Fi info output file.

get_network_info  -  Runs an array of commands to query network information, such as network profiles, passwords, ip configuration, arp table, routing table, tcp/udp ports, and attempt to query the API for public IP address. All the output is redirected to the network info output file.

main  -  Gathers network information, clipboard contents, browser history, initiates multiprocessing, sends encrypted results, cleans up exfiltrated data, and loops back to the beginning.

print_err  -  Displays the passed in error message via stderr.

-- --

print_err  -  Displays the passed in error message via stderr.

main  -  Decrypts the encrypted contents in the DecryptDock Folder.

Exit Codes

-- the_advanced_keylogger.y & --

0  -  Successful operations
1  -  Unexpected error occurred