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TheKikGen edited this page May 31, 2020 · 34 revisions
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The story of this project starts with a hack of the MIDIPLUS/MIDITECH 4x4 USB to MIDI interface. Needing more midi jacks, I bought a second Miditech interface, but I discovered it was not possible to use 2 Miditech / Midiplus MIDI USB 4X4 on the same computer to get 8x8. This is mainly because of identical product/vendor ID and serial, and , according to the Miditech support, as that usb midi interface is not updateable at all, I was stucked....That was motivating me enough to go deep in the detail, and try, at less to change the PID or VID.

Read about the detailed hack here The-Miditech-Midiplus-4x4-hack-and-STM32Duino

Build USBMidiKlik4x4 from the Github sources repository

How to get a TriThru a la Midisolutions

Sysex for firmware V1.x (deprecated)

Sysex for firmware V2.0 (deprecated)

Sysex for firmware V2.5

About the bus mode