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TheMaverickProgrammer edited this page Jan 4, 2022 · 3 revisions


  • Command Line
  • Booting Into Battle Only Mode
  • Booting With Chips
  • Scripting Players
  • Scripting Player Forms
  • Scripting Chips
  • Scripting Enemies
  • Scripting Mobs
  • Scripting NCP blocks
  • Scripting custom areas

Command line

Run Battlenetwork.exe -h to see all the available flags for the built-in command-line tool and game. help

To see what mods you have installed, along with their hash identifier, run Battlenetwork.exe -i

installed mods

Knowing what player and enemy mods you have installed will help in the next section

Booting Into Battle

When testing your creations, it's easier to launch the game in "Battle Only" mode. This skips the overworld and other subsystems and loads a light weight version of the engine that runs a single battle scene.

You can do this with the -b or --battleonly flag but you will need 2 other flags --player=PLAYER_ID and --mob=MOB_ID.

Replace PLAYER_ID with the reverse DNS identity from your -i output in the previous section. Do the same with a valid mob identity.

Starting With Chips

To test your custom navi with chips or to test your custom chip, you must have chip mods installed. Then you need to create a text file that has the package ID of the chip followed by any single-letter code on a new line. This text file will become your folder. There are no chip restrictions while testing this way and you can have any code.

Use the --folder=path/to/text/file.txt flag but change the path to a valid, relative location on disk to your text file. If you did everything correctly, you will boot into a test battle with plenty of chips to test with!

test folder

Note that the file reader ignores invalid lines so you can be sure whatever you enter will work OK!

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