The project can be either downloaded as a zip file from the git repository WordWranglers or cloned using the following git command:
git clone
The project can then be opened in Visual Studio Code or any other IDE.
Install all the necessary dependencies
pip install -r requirements.txt
Do a test run to check if the environment has been setup correctly
python3 app/src/
Note: Instructions for installing git can be found here. Most Mac/Linux machines will have git pre-installed.
Dependencies can added to the current virtual environemt by running the following command
pip install <package_name> && pip freeze > requirements.txt
A pull request needs to be created in order to push any changes to code.
After cloning, create a local branch to work on.
git checkout master
git checkout -b <your_branch_name>
In case a change has been made to, run the following commands to commit the changes
git status // Gives the paths of the files that have been updated
git add <file_path>/
git commit -m <some_commit_message>
In case new packages were installed, add the updated requirements.txt to the commit. Push your branch to GitHub
git push origin <your_branch_name>
Raise a pull request through GitHub. If the request shows conflicts, run the following commands locally
git fetch origin
git rebase origin/master
Fix all the conflicts in the files; add, commit and push.
Note: More git commands can be found here
Since the classifier script resides within the src folder of the repository, make sure to move into this folder before running the train and/or test commands
cd WordWranglers/app/src
Run the following command in the console to train the model:
python3 --train --config [config_file_name]
and the following command to test the model:
python3 --test --config [config_file_name]
The placeholder [config_file_name] can be any of the following files to train and test the model with different configurations:
- bilstm_pretrained.yaml: Train the test classifier with pretrained word embeddings using GloVe with the sentence representation given by BiLSTM
- bilstm_random.yaml: Train the test classifier with randomly generated word embeddings with the sentence representation given by BiLSTM
- bow_pretrained.yaml: Train the test classifier with pretrained word embeddings using GloVe with the sentence representation given by Bag-Of-Words (or BoW)
- bow_random.yaml: Train the test classifier with randomly generated word embeddings with the sentence representation given by Bag-Of-Words (or BoW)
- ensemble.yaml: Train the test classifier with pretrained word embeddings using GloVe with the sentence representation given by an ensemble learner which utilisez both LSTM and Bag-Of-Words
The program can be debugged using the VS Code debugger. The configurations have been added as part of the .vscode/launch.json file