- Follow a Git workflow of fork -> clone -> branch -> pr -> merge
- If you're new to Git look here
- Keep file and folder names in
(godot 4 standard)
- Make sure your godot code follows the GDQuest Style Guide
- Use Static Typing for variables and functions.
- put scenes and their scripts in the same directory
- Name scenes after the root node.
- Name scripts the same name as the node they attach to
- Label custom data structures with Class names for type hint support
- Connect signals and groups through code, NOT through the GUI.
- Each Scene should do one thing, each function should do one thing
- Make static classes when able.
- If a custom class/node doesn't have a position on screen or is instanced then removed, then pass it into the script as a object instead of putting in in the scene tree.
- ^ reach out to jayden if you need elaboration on this one