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Developer Guidelines

joe maley edited this page Feb 4, 2021 · 13 revisions



Dynamic Memory API

TileDB has an external API to enable heap memory profiling. The heap profiler relies on developers to use an internal API instead of the standard C/C++ dynamic memory APIs. For example: developers must use tdb_malloc instead of malloc. A pre-checkin script performs static analysis to detect violations (in other words: expect a pre-checkin check to fail if you use malloc in your pull request).

Currently, all APIs are defined in tiledb/common/heap_memory.h and the violation detection script is located in scripts/

These APIs apply only to the tiledb/ directory, excluding tiledb/sm/c_api and tiledb/sm/cpp_api.

Each C++ API has a complementary preprocessor macro that tags the usage of the API with the file name and line number from where it is called. Prefer the preprocessor macro to the C++ API unless you need a custom label. These macro interfaces are:

#define tdb_malloc(size)

#define tdb_calloc(num, size)

#define tdb_realloc(p, size)

#define tdb_free(p)

#define tdb_new(T, ...)

#define tdb_delete(p)

#define tdb_new_array(T, size)

#define tdb_delete_array(p)

#define tdb_shared_ptr

#define tdb_unique_ptr

#define tdb_make_shared(T, ...)