Represent the state as an immutable and observable data object by Atom
- TypeScript friendly
- super small, bundle size only 1.5K, gzip 710B
- minimalistic API
npm i -S use-atom-view
👇🏻 Here's a typical example of a 'counter' and how it fits within the whole application
import React from 'react';
import { Atom, useAtomView } from 'use-atom-view';
// create an Atom, an atom stores the state data, and an observable object.
const counterAtom = Atom.of<number>(1);
function CounterBox() {
const count = useAtomView(counterAtom);
// modify or set the atom value, it will notify the component to re-render,
// the component will get the next value
const hanldeAdd = () => {
counterAtom.modify((x) => x + 1);
// or
// counterAtom.set(count + 1);
return (
<button onClick={hanldeAdd}>add counter</button>
is a data cell that holds a single immutable value, which you can read and write to.
Create an atom
const counter = Atom.of<number>(1);
const motto = Atom.of('too young, too simple');
const chairman = Atom.of<Person>({ name: 'jiang', birthday: '1926-08-17' });
read the value in the atom
const counter = Atom.of<number>(1);
const count = counter.get(); // 1
swap/reset the value in the atom
const counter = Atom.of<number>(1);
counter.get(); // 2
modify the value in the atom by the setter.
const counter = Atom.of<number>(1);
counter.modify((x) => x + 2);
counter.get(); // 3
receive the partial value and merge it to the original value, reset this final value to atom.
const a1 = Atom.of({ a: 1, b: 2 });
a1.merge({ b: 3 });
a1.get(); // { a: 1, b: 3 }
// for the atom of number type, it will fallback to `atom.set`
const counter = Atom.of<number>(1);
counter.get(); // 2
You can track changes that happen to an atom's value with subscribe
const counter = Atom.of<number>(1);
counter.subscibe((currentData, prevData) => {
console.log('atom changed:', currentData, prevData);
counter.set(2); // atom changed:, 2, 1
counter.modify((x) => x + 2); // atom changed: 4, 2