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AutoDRIVE       AVL


  1. Clone this repository.

    $ git clone
  2. Give executable permissions to all the Python scripts.

    $ cd <path/to/cloned/repo>
    $ sudo chmod +x *.py
  3. Install the necessary dependencies as mentioned below. AutoDRIVE Devkit's Python API has the following dependencies (tested with Python 3.8, 3.9 and 3.10):

    • Websocket-related dependencies for communication bridge between AutoDRIVE Simulator and AutoDRIVE Devkit (version sensitive):

      Package Python 3.8 Python 3.9 Python 3.10
      eventlet 0.33.3 0.33.3 0.33.3
      Flask 1.1.1 1.1.1 1.1.1
      Flask-SocketIO 4.1.0 4.1.0 4.1.0
      python-socketio 4.2.0 4.2.0 4.2.0
      python-engineio 3.13.0 3.13.0 3.13.0
      greenlet 1.0.0 1.0.0 1.1.0
      gevent 21.1.2 21.1.2 21.12.0
      gevent-websocket 0.10.1 0.10.1 0.10.1
      Jinja2 3.0.3 3.0.3 3.0.3
      itsdangerous 2.0.1 2.0.1 2.0.1
      werkzeug 2.0.3 2.0.3 2.0.3
    • Generic dependencies for data processing and visualization (usually any version will do the job):

      Package Tested Version
      numpy 1.13.3
      pillow 5.1.0
    • Install dependencies using requirements.txt file (use the file specific to your Python version → check using python3 --version):

      $ pip3 install -r requirements_python_3.8.txt # Python 3.8
      $ pip3 install -r requirements_python_3.9.txt # Python 3.9
      $ pip3 install -r requirements_python_3.10.txt # Python 3.10
    • Download and install the Devkit on the OpenCAV (running ROS/Autoware):

      $ cd <path/to/autoware_ws>
      $ catkin_make -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release


OpenCAV Teleoperation Demo

  1. Download, unzip and launch the AutoDRIVE Simulator by referring to the detailed instructions given here:

  2. Launch AutoDRIVE Devkit to create a shared memory for the AVL Model.CONNECT project. Execute the opencav Python3 script for teleoperating the OpenCAV, employing the AutoDRIVE Python API.

     $ cd <path/to/>
     $ python3
  3. Launch and run the AVL Model.CONNECT project, which connects to the shared memory created by the AutoDRIVE Devkit using AVL Python API.


    • Launching AutoDRIVE Devkit alone will print the default value for all the bytes that haven't yet been written to (since they are written by the AVL Model.CONNECT project). The bytes written by the AutoDRIVE Devkit itself will be updated and printed accordingly.
    • Launching the AVL Model.CONNECT project before the AutoDRIVE Devkit will throw an error since the shared memory has not yet been created.
OpenCAV Teleoperation Demo Result
AutoDRIVE Simulator AutoDRIVE Devkit AVL Model.CONNECT

OpenCAV AEB Demo

  1. Download, unzip and launch the AutoDRIVE Simulator by referring to the detailed instructions given here:

  2. Download, unzip and copy the model weights to the Devkit directory:

  3. Launch AutoDRIVE Devkit to execute AEB script (a) or (b), which also creates a shared memory for the AVL Model.CONNECT project.

    (a) Execute the aeb_emulation Python3 script for demonstrating the "emulated" autonomous emergency braking (AEB) function with OpenCAV, employing the AutoDRIVE Python API. This algorithm uses ground truth distance to collision (DTC) metric to trigger AEB.

     $ cd <path/to/>
     $ python3

    (b) Execute the aeb_stimulation Python3 script for demonstrating the "stimulated" autonomous emergency braking (AEB) function with OpenCAV, employing the AutoDRIVE Python API. This algorithm uses camera-based perception for object detection and classification, and triggers the AEB based on the class, size and confidence of the detection.

     $ cd <path/to/>
     $ python3
  4. Launch and run the AVL Model.CONNECT project, which connects to the shared memory created by the AutoDRIVE Devkit using AVL Python API.


    • Launching AutoDRIVE Devkit alone will print the default value for all the bytes that haven't yet been written to (since they are written by the AVL Model.CONNECT project). The bytes written by the AutoDRIVE Devkit itself will be updated and printed accordingly.
    • Launching the AVL Model.CONNECT project before the AutoDRIVE Devkit will throw an error since the shared memory has not yet been created.
OpenCAV AEB Demo Result: Emulation Mode
AutoDRIVE Simulator AutoDRIVE Devkit AVL Model.CONNECT
OpenCAV AEB Demo Result: Stimulation Mode
AutoDRIVE Simulator AutoDRIVE Devkit AVL Model.CONNECT

OpenCAV ViL AEB Validation

  1. Download, unzip and launch the AutoDRIVE Simulator by referring to the detailed instructions given here:

    • Windows
    • Linux
    • macOS
    • Pure Simulation-Based Verification:
      • $ ./AutoDRIVE\ Simulator.x86_64
      • $ roslaunch autodrive_opencav simulator_bringup_headless.launch
      • $ roslaunch aeb_function opencav_aeb_simulator.launch
  2. Launch AutoDRIVE Devkit to visualize real-time DTC and AEB trigger, which also creates a shared memory for the AVL Model.CONNECT project.

    Execute the autodrive_avldc Python3 script, employing the AutoDRIVE Python API.

     $ cd <path/to/>
     $ python3
  3. Launch and run the AVL Model.CONNECT project, which connects to the shared memory created by the AutoDRIVE Devkit using AVL Python API.


    • Launching AutoDRIVE Devkit alone will print the default value for all the bytes that haven't yet been written to (since they are written by the AVL Model.CONNECT project). The bytes written by the AutoDRIVE Devkit itself will be updated and printed accordingly.
    • Launching the AVL Model.CONNECT project before the AutoDRIVE Devkit will throw an error since the shared memory has not yet been created.
  4. Execute the opencav_aeb_testbed.launch file for running the automatic emergency braking (AEB) function with OpenCAV in ViL mode.

$ roslaunch aeb_function opencav_aeb_testbed.launch
OpenCAV ViL AEB Validation Result:
Testbed Simulator Devkit