"loveorigami/yii2-notification-wrapper": "*",
"bower-asset/notifyjs": "^0.4"
to the require
section of your composer.json
use lo\modules\noty\widgets\Wrapper;
echo Wrapper::widget([
'layerClass' => 'lo\modules\noty\widgets\layers\Notifyjs',
'options' => [
// whether to hide the notification on click
'clickToHide' => true,
// whether to auto-hide the notification
'autoHide' => true,
// if autoHide, hide after milliseconds
'autoHideDelay' => 5000,
// show the arrow pointing at the element
'arrowShow' => true,
// arrow size in pixels
'arrowSize' => 5,
// position defines the notification position though uses the defaults below
'position' => '...',
// default positions
'elementPosition' => 'bottom left',
'globalPosition' => 'top right',
// default style
'style' => 'bootstrap',
// default class (string or [string])
'className' => 'error',
// show animation
'showAnimation' => 'slideDown',
// show animation duration
'showDuration' => 400,
// hide animation
'hideAnimation' => 'slideUp',
// hide animation duration
'hideDuration' => 200,
// padding between element and notification
'gap' => 2
// and more for this library https://notifyjs.com