This file describes how to pull the code, build it, and flash it to a hikey board.
To build and run TrustedCapsules, you must have certain packages installed and have a Hikey board available to you. We use Ubuntu-based distributions to build the system, although this should not be a requirement.
TODO describe hikey board and monitor setup.
Download the following packages:
sudo apt-get install android-tools-adb android-tools-fastboot autoconf \
automake bc bison build-essential cscope curl device-tree-compiler flex \
ftp-upload gdisk iasl libattr1-dev libc6:i386 libcap-dev libfdt-dev \
libftdi-dev libglib2.0-dev libhidapi-dev libncurses5-dev \
libpixman-1-dev libssl-dev libstdc++6:i386 libtool libz1:i386 make \
meson/xenial-backports mtools netcat python-crypto python-serial python-wand repo unzip uuid-dev \
xdg-utils xterm xz-utils zlib1g-dev ccache fakeroot
Change your minicom settings such that your ~/.minirc.dfl
looks like this:
pu port /dev/ttyUSB0
pu rtscts No
We have created a customized hikey manifest based on the OP-TEE manifest.
mkdir -p $HOME/trustedcapsules/code
cd $HOME/trustedcapsules/code
repo init -u -m hikey_debian_stable.xml
repo sync
TODO: document the changes necessary for capsule server (i.e. hardcoded IPs).
After getting the source code, you must get the toolchains
. These are specific for different targets.
cd build
make toolchains
export PATH=$PATH:~/trustedcapsules/code/toolchains/aarch32/bin:~/trustedcapsules/code/toolchains/aarch64/bin:~/trustedcapsules/code/arm-trusted-firmware/tools/fip_create
cd ~/trustedcapsules/code/optee_app/capsule_gen/src/libtomcrypt
sudo make install
cd ~/trustedcapsules/code/optee_app/capsule_gen/src/tomsfastmath
sudo make install
#prevent debian pem issue:
sed -i '/CONFIG_SYSTEM_TRUSTED_KEYS/s/^/#/g' ~/trustedcapsules/code/linux/.config
#for capsule server twitter support (since upstream hasn't updated the DM endpoint)
pip3 install git+ --user
#need debian system image
scp puneet@yao:/big_disk/puneet/debian_system.img ~/trustedcapsules ~/trustedcapsules
After building the toolchains, you need to build the source code. This will take a long time.
cd ~/trustedcapsules/code/build
To flash the Hikey board, follow the instructions in the make file after running:
make recovery
To access the serial console, use sudo minicom
or sudo picocom /dev/ttyUSB0 -b 115200
Now that the Hikey board has been flashed. You need to enable wifi and download some packages. Copy over the scripts found here. You will need to enter your own wifi configuration in sample.conf. Once you have copied all three files (,, and sample.conf), modify sample.conf to have your wifi network information (ssid, identity, password).
Next, you need to change the permissions on the shell files:
chmod 755 *.sh
Then, you need to modify the .bashrc file to connect to wifi by adding ./
to the file.
Finally, run these commands to copy over the files from your computer and install them:
./ -diow # Downloads and installs the optee deb and wifi deb, this involves a reboot
./ -dil # Downloads and installs the new linux version - NOT NEEDED ANYMORE. SKIP!
To test the installation there are two components to test, the OP-TEE side (xtest) and the TrustedCapsules side (capsule_test).
First, initialize the trusted execution environment.
modprobe optee # Should not be necessary, but is...
tee-supplicant &
To run OP-TEE created regression tests, run this command after initializing the environment.
Your output should look (something) like this:
23476 subtests of which 0 failed
67 test cases of which 0 failed
0 test case was skipped
TEE test application done!
There are four tests you must run to ensure the trusted capsules system is working correctly:
- capsule_test: tests the trusted application calls
- capsule_test_network: tests the network primitives for communicating with the secure server
- capsule_test_policy: tests the different policy functions
- application testing: this is a workflow to test the different applications to ensure they are working
capsule_test REGISTER_KEYS # If this fails because of an ACCESS_CONFLICT error, just retry
capsule_test FULL
This should be run after you have run capsule_test REGISTER_KEYS
. On your host machine (where you build the code), go to optee_app/capsule_server
. You will need to run capsule_server
with specific commands based on what capsule_test_network you are running.
To test the general communication:
# On host machine
capsule_server 3490 ECHO_SIMPLE
# On hikey board
capsule_test_network ECHO
To test the encrypted communication:
# On host machine
capsule_server 3490 ECHO_ENC_SER
# On hikey board
capsule_test_network ECHO_ENCRYPT_SERIALIZE
To test the policy functions, you will still need to use the capsule_server.
# On host machine
capsule_server 3490 CAPSULE
# On hikey board
TODO describe how to test applications.
scp .
dpkg -i --force-overwrite optee_3.3.0-16-g333ef9a-0.deb
#not sure if needed
scp -r* /etc