The course CS-E4740 offers the possibility to extend the basic variant (worth five credits) to ten credits by completing an individual student project. The project requires you to formulate an application of your choice as an instance of GTVMin (see Sec. 3 of lecture notes ) and solve it using some of the FL Algorithms taught in this course (see Sec. 4 of lecture notes ).
Project Report. The main deliverable of the student project is a report, similar in scope and style to a conference paper. You must use the structure (section titles) as outlined in the template (report template pdf , Latex source ). Each report must be accompanied by a Python notebook (*.ipynb), along with all data (e.g., csv) files, that allows to reproduce all the results contained in the report. The Python notebook must be such that it can be run on
Submission Deadline for First Version of Project Reports: 31-May-2024
Peer-Review. The student project also includes a peer review of the project reports. Each student must provide assessments ("peer reviews") for up to five other project reports. The review amounts to answering a given list of questions ( DRAFT FOR REVIEW QUESTIONS ). Each question covers a specific aspect of the report (e.g., the choice for the project title) and requires to provide a numeric grade and a textual justification for the grade given. Your review performance (e.g., providing detailed explanations for the assigned grades for different review aspects) will contribute up to 20 points to your total points achieved in the project.
Submission Deadline for Peer Reviews: 30-June-2024
Final Submission. To complete the project, you must submit a revised project report along with the Python notebook containing the numerical experiments. Additionally, the final submission also requires you to provide a response letter (template pdf , Latex source ) where you explain in detail how you have taken the peer review into account for revising the project report. Here are three examples for such a final submission from the previous course edition: Example 1 , Example 2 , Example 3 . The final submission will be graded by course staff and allows you to collect up to 80 points.
Submission Deadline for Revised Project Reports: Whenever you want to finish the course, but no later than 30-Sept-2024
Grading for Extended Variant. The overall grading for the extended variant will be based on a combination of your grade during the basic variant (5 credits), and the points obtained during the peer grading of project reports. In particular, if P1 denotes the total points (capped at 100!) collected during the basic course variant (via quizzes or bonus activities) and P2 denotes the points collected during the project, the final grade is determined by the average points (min(P1,100)+P2)/2 using the same mapping as indicated in Section "Overview".