diff --git a/package.json b/package.json
index a855ffa2..f8de9e60 100644
--- a/package.json
+++ b/package.json
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
"name": "hhd-ui",
- "version": "0.18.9",
+ "version": "0.19.1",
"private": true,
"dependencies": {
"@ag-grid-community/client-side-row-model": "^30.0.3",
diff --git a/src/app-bundles/instrument-sensors-bundle.js b/src/app-bundles/instrument-sensors-bundle.js
index 7e397648..ca75a6f2 100644
--- a/src/app-bundles/instrument-sensors-bundle.js
+++ b/src/app-bundles/instrument-sensors-bundle.js
@@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ export default {
// eslint-disable-next-line no-console
console.log('todo', err);
} else {
- store.doFetchInstrumentSensorsById();
+ store.doFetchInstrumentSensorsById(type, uriId);
diff --git a/src/app-pages/instrument/chart/chart.jsx b/src/app-pages/instrument/chart/chart.jsx
index a6844c8e..bf2b2eca 100644
--- a/src/app-pages/instrument/chart/chart.jsx
+++ b/src/app-pages/instrument/chart/chart.jsx
@@ -1,11 +1,19 @@
import React from 'react';
-import { connect } from 'redux-bundler-react';
-export default connect(() => (
+import InstrumentTimeseriesPlot from './instrument-timeseries-plot';
+import IpiDepthBasedPlots from './ipi-depth-based-plots';
+import SaaDepthBasedPlots from './saa-depth-based-plots';
+import InclinometerPlots from './inclinometer-plots';
+const InstrumentChartTab = ({ isIPI, isShapeArray, isInclinometer }) => (
- The chart reflecting the result of the data passed through the
- instrument formula will be displayed here.
+ {isShapeArray && }
+ {isIPI && }
+ {isInclinometer && }
+ {(!isShapeArray && !isIPI && !isInclinometer) && }
+export default InstrumentChartTab;
diff --git a/src/app-pages/instrument/chart/inclinometer-plots.jsx b/src/app-pages/instrument/chart/inclinometer-plots.jsx
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..61a888f2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/app-pages/instrument/chart/inclinometer-plots.jsx
@@ -0,0 +1,213 @@
+import React, { useEffect, useState } from 'react';
+import ReactDatePicker from 'react-datepicker';
+import { addDays, subDays } from 'date-fns';
+import { connect } from 'redux-bundler-react';
+import { DateTime } from 'luxon';
+import { Stack, Switch } from '@mui/material';
+import { useDeepCompareEffect } from 'react-use';
+import Button from '../../../app-components/button';
+import Chart from '../../../app-components/chart/chart';
+import SetInitialTimeModal from '../setInitialTimeModal';
+const colors = {
+ x: '#800000',
+ y: '#000075',
+const config = {
+ repsonsive: true,
+ displaylogo: false,
+ displayModeBar: true,
+ scrollZoom: true,
+const multiPlotLayout = (isIncrement, initialMeasurement) => ({
+ showlegend: true,
+ autosize: true,
+ height: 1000,
+ xaxis: {
+ title: `A-${isIncrement ? 'Increment' : 'Cumulative Displacement'}`,
+ domain: [0, 0.45],
+ anchor: 'y1',
+ },
+ yaxis: {
+ title: 'Elevation (ft)',
+ domain: [0.3, 1],
+ anchor: 'x1',
+ },
+ xaxis2: {
+ title: `B-${isIncrement ? 'Increment' : 'Cumulative Displacement'}`,
+ domain: [0.55, 1],
+ anchor: 'y2',
+ },
+ yaxis2: {
+ domain: [0.3, 1],
+ anchor: 'x2',
+ },
+ xaxis3: {
+ type: 'date',
+ domain: [0, 1],
+ anchor: 'y3',
+ title: 'Time',
+ },
+ yaxis3: {
+ domain: [0, 0.2],
+ anchor: 'x3',
+ title: `${initialMeasurement.elevation} ∆ mm`,
+ },
+const build2dTrace = (dataArray, key) => {
+ if (!dataArray.length) return {};
+ const { time, measurements } = dataArray[dataArray.length - 1];
+ const keyMeasurements = measurements.map(m => m[key]);
+ const elevation = measurements.map((m) => m.depth);
+ return {
+ x: keyMeasurements,
+ y: elevation,
+ mode: 'markers+lines',
+ marker: { size: 5, color: colors[key] },
+ line: { width: 1 },
+ type: 'scatter',
+ name: key,
+ hovertemplate: `
+ ${DateTime.fromISO(time).toLocaleString(DateTime.DATETIME_SHORT)}
+ Depth: %{y}
+ Displacement: %{x}
+ `,
+ ...['b_increment', 'b_cum_dev'].includes(key) && {
+ xaxis: 'x2',
+ yaxis: 'y2',
+ },
+ };
+const buildLongTraces = (dataArray, initialMeasurement) => {
+ if (!dataArray.length) return [];
+ const { elevation: initElevation } = initialMeasurement;
+ const elevationY = [];
+ const temperatureY = [];
+ const timeX = [];
+ dataArray.forEach((el, index) => {
+ if (!index) return;
+ const { time, measurements } = el;
+ timeX.push(time);
+ const lastMeasurement = measurements[measurements.length - 1];
+ const { elevation, temp } = lastMeasurement;
+ elevationY.push(elevation - initElevation);
+ temperatureY.push(temp);
+ });
+ return [{
+ x: timeX,
+ y: elevationY,
+ mode: 'markers+lines',
+ marker: { size: 5 },
+ line: { width: 1 },
+ type: 'scatter',
+ name: '∆ Top Elevation',
+ xaxis: 'x3',
+ yaxis: 'y3',
+ }];
+const InclinometerPlots = connect(
+ 'doModalOpen',
+ 'doFetchInstrumentSensorsById',
+ 'doFetchInstrumentSensorMeasurements',
+ 'selectInstrumentSensors',
+ 'selectInstrumentSensorsMeasurements',
+ ({
+ doModalOpen,
+ doFetchInstrumentSensorsById,
+ doFetchInstrumentSensorMeasurements,
+ instrumentSensors,
+ instrumentSensorsMeasurements,
+ }) => {
+ const [isIncrement, setIsIncrement] = useState(true);
+ const [dateRange, setDateRange] = useState([subDays(new Date(), 7), new Date()]);
+ const initialMeasurement = instrumentSensorsMeasurements.length ? instrumentSensorsMeasurements[0]?.measurements?.findLast(e => e) : {};
+ useEffect(() => {
+ doFetchInstrumentSensorsById('incl');
+ }, [doFetchInstrumentSensorsById]);
+ useDeepCompareEffect(() => {
+ doFetchInstrumentSensorMeasurements('incl', dateRange[1].toISOString(), dateRange[0].toISOString());
+ }, [dateRange]);
+ return (
+ <>
+ {instrumentSensors.length ? (
+ <>
+ Select a timeframe to view plots for the associated timeseries:
+ Start Date
+ setDateRange([date, addDays(date, 7)])}
+ />
+ End Date
+ setDateRange([subDays(date, 7), date])}
+ />
+ Cumulative
+ setIsIncrement(prev => !prev)} />
+ Incremental
+ >
+ ) : No Sensors for this instrument.}
+ >
+ );
+ },
+export default InclinometerPlots;
diff --git a/src/app-pages/instrument/chart/instrument-timeseries-plot.jsx b/src/app-pages/instrument/chart/instrument-timeseries-plot.jsx
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..4fb2a8f9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/app-pages/instrument/chart/instrument-timeseries-plot.jsx
@@ -0,0 +1,121 @@
+import React, { useState } from 'react';
+import ReactDatePicker from 'react-datepicker';
+import { connect } from 'redux-bundler-react';
+import { useDeepCompareEffect } from 'react-use';
+import { subDays } from 'date-fns';
+import Chart from '../../../app-components/chart/chart';
+const chartData = (plotMeasurements, timeseries) => {
+ const data = plotMeasurements.map(elem => {
+ if (elem && timeseries.length) {
+ const { items, timeseries_id } = elem;
+ const {
+ name,
+ unit,
+ parameter,
+ } = timeseries.find(t => t.id === timeseries_id) || {};
+ const traceData = items.reduce(
+ (accum, item) => ({
+ x: [...accum.x, item.time],
+ y: [...accum.y, item.value],
+ }),
+ { x: [], y: [] },
+ );
+ return {
+ x: traceData.x,
+ y: traceData.y,
+ name: `${name} - ${parameter} (${unit})` || '',
+ showlegend: true,
+ hoverinfo: 'x+y+text',
+ timeseriesId: timeseries_id,
+ };
+ }
+ });
+ return data;
+const InstrumentTimeseriesPlot = connect(
+ 'doTimeseriesMeasurementsFetchById',
+ 'selectInstrumentTimeseriesItems',
+ 'selectInstrumentsIdByRoute',
+ 'selectTimeseriesMeasurementsItems',
+ ({
+ doTimeseriesMeasurementsFetchById,
+ instrumentTimeseriesItems: timeseries,
+ instrumentsIdByRoute,
+ timeseriesMeasurementsItems: measurements,
+ }) => {
+ const [dateRange, setDateRange] = useState([subDays(new Date(), 365), new Date()]);
+ const { instrumentId } = instrumentsIdByRoute || {};
+ const plotTimeseries = (timeseries || []).filter(el => el.instrument_id === instrumentId);
+ const plotMeasurements = plotTimeseries.map(ts => measurements.find(elem => elem.timeseries_id === ts.id));
+ const layout = {
+ xaxis: {
+ range: dateRange,
+ title: 'Date',
+ showline: true,
+ mirror: true,
+ },
+ yaxis: {
+ title: 'Measurement',
+ showline: true,
+ mirror: true,
+ },
+ };
+ useDeepCompareEffect(() => {
+ if (plotTimeseries?.length) {
+ plotTimeseries.forEach(ts => {
+ doTimeseriesMeasurementsFetchById({ timeseriesId: ts.id, dateRange });
+ })
+ }
+ }, [plotTimeseries, dateRange]);
+ return (
+ <>
+ Start Date
+ dateRange[1] ? dateRange[1] : Date.now()}
+ selected={dateRange[0]}
+ onChange={(date) => setDateRange(prev => [date, prev[1]])}
+ />
+ End Date
+ setDateRange(prev => [prev[0], date])}
+ />
+ >
+ );
+ },
+export default InstrumentTimeseriesPlot;
diff --git a/src/app-pages/instrument/chart/ipi-depth-based-plots.jsx b/src/app-pages/instrument/chart/ipi-depth-based-plots.jsx
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..790ac736
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/app-pages/instrument/chart/ipi-depth-based-plots.jsx
@@ -0,0 +1,231 @@
+import React, { useEffect, useState } from 'react';
+import ReactDatePicker from 'react-datepicker';
+import { Checkbox, FormControlLabel, Slider, Stack, Switch } from '@mui/material';
+import { addDays, subDays } from 'date-fns';
+import { connect } from 'redux-bundler-react';
+import { DateTime } from 'luxon';
+import { useDeepCompareEffect } from 'react-use';
+import Button from '../../../app-components/button';
+import Chart from '../../../app-components/chart/chart';
+import SetInitialTimeModal from '../setInitialTimeModal';
+const colors = {
+ init: '#000000',
+const config = {
+ repsonsive: true,
+ displaylogo: false,
+ displayModeBar: true,
+ scrollZoom: true,
+const layout = (showTemperature, showIncremental) => ({
+ showlegend: true,
+ autosize: true,
+ height: 800,
+ rows: 1,
+ columns: showTemperature ? 2 : 1,
+ yaxis: {
+ domain: [0, 1],
+ anchor: 'x1',
+ autorange: 'reversed',
+ title: `Depth in Feet`,
+ },
+ xaxis: {
+ domain: [0, showTemperature ? 0.4 : 1],
+ anchor: 'y1',
+ title: `${showIncremental ? 'Incremental' : 'Cumulative'} Displacement`,
+ },
+ ...showTemperature && {
+ xaxis2: {
+ title: 'Temperature',
+ domain: [0.6, 1],
+ anchor: 'y2',
+ },
+ yaxis2: {
+ domain: [0, 1],
+ anchor: 'x2',
+ autorange: 'reversed',
+ }
+ },
+const formatData = (measurements, indexes, showInitial, showTemperature, showIncremental) => {
+ if (!measurements.length) return {};
+ const timeIncrements = measurements.sort((a, b) => DateTime.fromISO(a.time).toMillis() - DateTime.fromISO(b.time).toMillis())
+ const relevantData = timeIncrements.slice(indexes[0], indexes[1] + 1);
+ const dataArray = [
+ ...(showInitial ? build2dTrace(timeIncrements[0], true, showTemperature, showIncremental).flat() : []),
+ ...relevantData.map(m => build2dTrace(m, false, showTemperature, showIncremental)).flat(),
+ ].filter(e => e);
+ return { dataArray, timeIncrements, relevantData };
+const build2dTrace = (data, isInit, showTemperature, showIncremental) => {
+ if (!Object.keys(data).length) return {};
+ const { time, measurements } = data;
+ const x = [], xTemp = [], y = [];
+ measurements?.forEach(element => {
+ x.push(showIncremental ? (element?.inc_dev || 0) : (element?.cum_dev || 0));
+ xTemp.push(element?.temp);
+ y.push(element?.elevation || 0);
+ });
+ const localDateString = DateTime.fromISO(time).toLocaleString(DateTime.DATETIME_SHORT);
+ const common = {
+ y,
+ mode: 'markers+lines',
+ marker: { size: 5, color: isInit ? colors['init'] : undefined },
+ line: { width: 1 },
+ type: 'scatter',
+ };
+ return [{
+ ...common,
+ x,
+ name: isInit ? `Initial Displacement (${localDateString})` : `Displacement at ${localDateString}`,
+ hovertemplate: `
+ ${localDateString}
+ Elevation: %{y}
+ ${showIncremental ? 'Incremental' : 'Cumulative'} Displacement: %{x}
+ `,
+ }, showTemperature ? {
+ ...common,
+ xTemp,
+ xaxis: 'x2',
+ yaxis: 'y2',
+ name: isInit ? `Initial Temperature (${localDateString})` : `Temperature at ${localDateString}`,
+ hovertemplate: `
+ ${localDateString}
+ Elevation: %{y}
+ Temperature: %{x}
+ `,
+ } : {}];
+const IpiDepthBasedPlots = connect(
+ 'doModalOpen',
+ 'doFetchInstrumentSensorsById',
+ 'doFetchInstrumentSensorMeasurements',
+ 'selectInstrumentSensors',
+ 'selectInstrumentSensorsMeasurements',
+ ({
+ doModalOpen,
+ doFetchInstrumentSensorsById,
+ doFetchInstrumentSensorMeasurements,
+ instrumentSensors,
+ instrumentSensorsMeasurements,
+ }) => {
+ const [showTemperature, setShowTemperature] = useState(true);
+ const [showInitial, setShowInitial] = useState(false);
+ const [showIncremental, setShowIncremental] = useState(false);
+ const [sliderVal, setSliderVal] = useState([0, 0]);
+ const [dateRange, setDateRange] = useState([subDays(new Date(), 7), new Date()]);
+ const { dataArray = [], timeIncrements = [] } = formatData(instrumentSensorsMeasurements, sliderVal, showInitial, showTemperature, showIncremental);
+ useEffect(() => {
+ doFetchInstrumentSensorsById('ipi');
+ }, [doFetchInstrumentSensorsById]);
+ useDeepCompareEffect(() => {
+ doFetchInstrumentSensorMeasurements('ipi', dateRange[1].toISOString(), dateRange[0].toISOString());
+ }, [dateRange]);
+ return (
+ <>
+ {instrumentSensors.length ? (
+ <>
+ Select a timeframe to view plots for the associated timeseries:
+ Start Date
+ setDateRange([date, addDays(date, 7)])}
+ />
+ End Date
+ setDateRange([subDays(date, 7), date])}
+ />
+ setShowInitial(prev => !prev)} />}
+ label='Show Initial Displacement'
+ />
+ setShowTemperature(prev => !prev)} />}
+ label='Show Temperature'
+ />
+ Cumulative
+ setShowIncremental(prev => !prev)} />
+ Incremental
+ {DateTime.fromISO(instrumentSensorsMeasurements[val]?.time).toFormat('MMM dd, yyyy hh:mm:ss')}}
+ onChange={(_e, newVal) => setSliderVal(newVal)}
+ />
+ >
+ ) : No Sensors for this instrument.}
+ >
+ );
+ },
+export default IpiDepthBasedPlots;
diff --git a/src/app-pages/instrument/saa-depth-based-plots.jsx b/src/app-pages/instrument/chart/saa-depth-based-plots.jsx
similarity index 52%
rename from src/app-pages/instrument/saa-depth-based-plots.jsx
rename to src/app-pages/instrument/chart/saa-depth-based-plots.jsx
index 6c290d86..8ffb1640 100644
--- a/src/app-pages/instrument/saa-depth-based-plots.jsx
+++ b/src/app-pages/instrument/chart/saa-depth-based-plots.jsx
@@ -1,16 +1,14 @@
import React, { useEffect, useState } from 'react';
import ReactDatePicker from 'react-datepicker';
-import { Add, Remove } from '@mui/icons-material';
import { addDays, subDays } from 'date-fns';
import { connect } from 'redux-bundler-react';
import { DateTime } from 'luxon';
import { Stack, Switch } from '@mui/material';
import { useDeepCompareEffect } from 'react-use';
-import Button from '../../app-components/button';
-import Card from '../../app-components/card';
-import Chart from '../../app-components/chart/chart';
-import SetInitialTimeModal from './setInitialTimeModal';
+import Button from '../../../app-components/button';
+import Chart from '../../../app-components/chart/chart';
+import SetInitialTimeModal from '../setInitialTimeModal';
const colors = {
x: '#800000',
@@ -166,7 +164,6 @@ const SaaDepthBasedPlots = connect(
}) => {
- const [isOpen, setIsOpen] = useState(true);
const [isIncrement, setIsIncrement] = useState(true);
const [dateRange, setDateRange] = useState([subDays(new Date(), 7), new Date()]);
@@ -177,88 +174,70 @@ const SaaDepthBasedPlots = connect(
}, [doFetchInstrumentSensorsById]);
useDeepCompareEffect(() => {
- if (isOpen) {
- doFetchInstrumentSensorMeasurements('saa', dateRange[1].toISOString(), dateRange[0].toISOString());
- }
- }, [isOpen, dateRange]);
+ doFetchInstrumentSensorMeasurements('saa', dateRange[1].toISOString(), dateRange[0].toISOString());
+ }, [dateRange]);
return (
- : }
- handleClick={() => setIsOpen(!isOpen)}
- title={isOpen ? 'Collapse Section' : 'Expand Section'}
- />
- Depth Based Plots
- {isOpen ? (
- <>
- {instrumentSensors.length ? (
- <>
- Select a timeframe to view plots for the associated timeseries:
- Start Date
- setDateRange([date, addDays(date, 7)])}
- />
- End Date
- setDateRange([subDays(date, 7), date])}
- />
- Cumulative
- setIsIncrement(prev => !prev)} />
- Incremental
- >
- ) : No Sensors for this instrument.}
- >
- ) : Expand to view depth plots...}
+ <>
+ {instrumentSensors.length ? (
+ <>
+ Select a timeframe to view plots for the associated timeseries:
+ Start Date
+ setDateRange([date, addDays(date, 7)])}
+ />
+ End Date
+ setDateRange([subDays(date, 7), date])}
+ />
+ Cumulative
+ setIsIncrement(prev => !prev)} />
+ Incremental
+ >
+ ) : No Sensors for this instrument.}
+ >
diff --git a/src/app-pages/instrument/details.jsx b/src/app-pages/instrument/details.jsx
index 4f7e3c63..02bd3efb 100644
--- a/src/app-pages/instrument/details.jsx
+++ b/src/app-pages/instrument/details.jsx
@@ -5,11 +5,9 @@ import { Edit, Refresh, SettingsOutlined } from '@mui/icons-material';
import AlertEntry from './alert/alert-entry';
import Button from '../../app-components/button';
import Card from '../../app-components/card';
-import SaaDepthBasedPlots from './saa-depth-based-plots';
import Dropdown from '../../app-components/dropdown';
import InstrumentDisplay from './instrument-display';
import InstrumentForm from '../../common/forms/instrument-form';
-import IpiDepthBasedPlots from './ipi-depth-based-plots';
import LoginMessage from '../../app-components/login-message';
import Map from '../../app-components/classMap';
import NoAlerts from './alert/no-alerts';
@@ -185,16 +183,6 @@ export default connect(
- {isShapeArray && (
- )}
- {isIPI && (
- )}
diff --git a/src/app-pages/instrument/ipi-depth-based-plots.jsx b/src/app-pages/instrument/ipi-depth-based-plots.jsx
deleted file mode 100644
index 195717d8..00000000
--- a/src/app-pages/instrument/ipi-depth-based-plots.jsx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,252 +0,0 @@
-import React, { useEffect, useState } from 'react';
-import ReactDatePicker from 'react-datepicker';
-import { Add, Remove } from '@mui/icons-material';
-import { Checkbox, FormControlLabel, Slider, Stack, Switch } from '@mui/material';
-import { addDays, subDays } from 'date-fns';
-import { connect } from 'redux-bundler-react';
-import { DateTime } from 'luxon';
-import { useDeepCompareEffect } from 'react-use';
-import Button from '../../app-components/button';
-import Card from '../../app-components/card';
-import Chart from '../../app-components/chart/chart';
-import SetInitialTimeModal from './setInitialTimeModal';
-const colors = {
- init: '#000000',
-const config = {
- repsonsive: true,
- displaylogo: false,
- displayModeBar: true,
- scrollZoom: true,
-const layout = (showTemperature, showIncremental) => ({
- showlegend: true,
- autosize: true,
- height: 800,
- rows: 1,
- columns: showTemperature ? 2 : 1,
- yaxis: {
- domain: [0, 1],
- anchor: 'x1',
- autorange: 'reversed',
- title: `Depth in Feet`,
- },
- xaxis: {
- domain: [0, showTemperature ? 0.4 : 1],
- anchor: 'y1',
- title: `${showIncremental ? 'Incremental' : 'Cumulative'} Displacement`,
- },
- ...showTemperature && {
- xaxis2: {
- title: 'Temperature',
- domain: [0.6, 1],
- anchor: 'y2',
- },
- yaxis2: {
- domain: [0, 1],
- anchor: 'x2',
- autorange: 'reversed',
- }
- },
-const formatData = (measurements, indexes, showInitial, showTemperature, showIncremental) => {
- if (!measurements.length) return {};
- const timeIncrements = measurements.sort((a, b) => DateTime.fromISO(a.time).toMillis() - DateTime.fromISO(b.time).toMillis())
- const relevantData = timeIncrements.slice(indexes[0], indexes[1] + 1);
- const dataArray = [
- ...(showInitial ? build2dTrace(timeIncrements[0], true, showTemperature, showIncremental).flat() : []),
- ...relevantData.map(m => build2dTrace(m, false, showTemperature, showIncremental)).flat(),
- ].filter(e => e);
- return { dataArray, timeIncrements, relevantData };
-const build2dTrace = (data, isInit, showTemperature, showIncremental) => {
- if (!Object.keys(data).length) return {};
- const { time, measurements } = data;
- const x = [], xTemp = [], y = [];
- measurements?.forEach(element => {
- x.push(showIncremental ? (element?.inc_dev || 0) : (element?.cum_dev || 0));
- xTemp.push(element?.temp);
- y.push(element?.elevation || 0);
- });
- const localDateString = DateTime.fromISO(time).toLocaleString(DateTime.DATETIME_SHORT);
- const common = {
- y,
- mode: 'markers+lines',
- marker: { size: 5, color: isInit ? colors['init'] : undefined },
- line: { width: 1 },
- type: 'scatter',
- };
- return [{
- ...common,
- x,
- name: isInit ? `Initial Displacement (${localDateString})` : `Displacement at ${localDateString}`,
- hovertemplate: `
- ${localDateString}
- Elevation: %{y}
- ${showIncremental ? 'Incremental' : 'Cumulative'} Displacement: %{x}
- `,
- }, showTemperature ? {
- ...common,
- xTemp,
- xaxis: 'x2',
- yaxis: 'y2',
- name: isInit ? `Initial Temperature (${localDateString})` : `Temperature at ${localDateString}`,
- hovertemplate: `
- ${localDateString}
- Elevation: %{y}
- Temperature: %{x}
- `,
- } : {}];
-const IpiDepthBasedPlots = connect(
- 'doModalOpen',
- 'doFetchInstrumentSensorsById',
- 'doFetchInstrumentSensorMeasurements',
- 'selectInstrumentSensors',
- 'selectInstrumentSensorsMeasurements',
- ({
- doModalOpen,
- doFetchInstrumentSensorsById,
- doFetchInstrumentSensorMeasurements,
- instrumentSensors,
- instrumentSensorsMeasurements,
- }) => {
- const [isOpen, setIsOpen] = useState(true);
- const [showTemperature, setShowTemperature] = useState(true);
- const [showInitial, setShowInitial] = useState(false);
- const [showIncremental, setShowIncremental] = useState(false);
- const [sliderVal, setSliderVal] = useState([0, 0]);
- const [dateRange, setDateRange] = useState([subDays(new Date(), 7), new Date()]);
- const { dataArray = [], timeIncrements = [] } = formatData(instrumentSensorsMeasurements, sliderVal, showInitial, showTemperature, showIncremental);
- useEffect(() => {
- doFetchInstrumentSensorsById('ipi');
- }, [doFetchInstrumentSensorsById]);
- useDeepCompareEffect(() => {
- if (isOpen) {
- doFetchInstrumentSensorMeasurements('ipi', dateRange[1].toISOString(), dateRange[0].toISOString());
- }
- }, [isOpen, dateRange]);
- return (
- : }
- handleClick={() => setIsOpen(!isOpen)}
- title={isOpen ? 'Collapse Section' : 'Expand Section'}
- />
- Depth Based Plots
- {isOpen ? (
- <>
- {instrumentSensors.length ? (
- <>
- Select a timeframe to view plots for the associated timeseries:
- Start Date
- setDateRange([date, addDays(date, 7)])}
- />
- End Date
- setDateRange([subDays(date, 7), date])}
- />
- setShowInitial(prev => !prev)} />}
- label='Show Initial Displacement'
- />
- setShowTemperature(prev => !prev)} />}
- label='Show Temperature'
- />
- Cumulative
- setShowIncremental(prev => !prev)} />
- Incremental
- {DateTime.fromISO(instrumentSensorsMeasurements[val]?.time).toFormat('MMM dd, yyyy hh:mm:ss')}}
- onChange={(_e, newVal) => setSliderVal(newVal)}
- />
- >
- ) : No Sensors for this instrument.}
- >
- ) : Expand to view depth plots...}
- );
- },
-export default IpiDepthBasedPlots;
diff --git a/src/app-pages/instrument/sensors/sensors.jsx b/src/app-pages/instrument/sensors/sensors.jsx
index b5a6c5ed..af556037 100644
--- a/src/app-pages/instrument/sensors/sensors.jsx
+++ b/src/app-pages/instrument/sensors/sensors.jsx
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ const Sensors = connect(
useEffect(() => {
- }, [doFetchInstrumentSensorsById]);
+ }, [doFetchInstrumentSensorsById, type]);
return (
diff --git a/src/app-pages/instrument/settings.jsx b/src/app-pages/instrument/settings.jsx
index a6eae463..92372f57 100644
--- a/src/app-pages/instrument/settings.jsx
+++ b/src/app-pages/instrument/settings.jsx
@@ -124,7 +124,11 @@ export default connect(
diff --git a/src/app-pages/project/batch-plotting/chart-content/scatter-line-plot.jsx b/src/app-pages/project/batch-plotting/chart-content/scatter-line-plot.jsx
index be0d842e..e02ad327 100644
--- a/src/app-pages/project/batch-plotting/chart-content/scatter-line-plot.jsx
+++ b/src/app-pages/project/batch-plotting/chart-content/scatter-line-plot.jsx
@@ -32,8 +32,6 @@ const ScatterLinePlot = connect(
}) => {
const { auto_range, date_range, display, show_masked, show_comments, show_nonvalidated, plot_type, id } = plotConfig || {};
- console.log('test cwmsMeasurementsErrors:', cwmsMeasurementsErrors);
const plotTimeseriesIds = display?.traces?.map(el => el.timeseries_id) || [];
const plotTimeseries = timeseries.filter(ts => plotTimeseriesIds.includes(ts.id));
diff --git a/src/app-pages/project/batch-plotting/components/batch-plot-chart-settings.jsx b/src/app-pages/project/batch-plotting/components/batch-plot-chart-settings.jsx
index e26d4c91..d27c2661 100644
--- a/src/app-pages/project/batch-plotting/components/batch-plot-chart-settings.jsx
+++ b/src/app-pages/project/batch-plotting/components/batch-plot-chart-settings.jsx
@@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ const BatchPlotChartSettings = connect(
const [currentThreshold, setCurrentThreshold] = useState(threshold);
const [csvData, setCsvData] = useState([]);
- const [activeButton, setActiveButton] = useState(['lifetime', '5 years', '1 year', '1 month'].includes(date_range) ? date_range : 'Custom');
+ const [activeButton, setActiveButton] = useState(['lifetime', '5 years', '1 year', '1 month'].includes(String(date_range).toLowerCase()) ? String(date_range).toLowerCase() : 'custom');
const isDisplayAllActive = () => show_comments && show_masked && show_nonvalidated;
@@ -76,7 +76,7 @@ const BatchPlotChartSettings = connect(
useEffect(() => {
- setDateRange(determineDateRange(activeButton === 'Custom' ? date_range : activeButton));
+ setDateRange(determineDateRange(activeButton === 'custom' ? date_range : activeButton));
}, [activeButton]);
return (
@@ -116,13 +116,13 @@ const BatchPlotChartSettings = connect(
- {activeButton === 'Custom' && (
+ {activeButton === 'custom' && (
- date_range: activeButton === 'Custom' ? customDateFormat(fromTime, endTime) : activeButton,
+ date_range: activeButton === 'custom' ? customDateFormat(fromTime, endTime) : activeButton,
+ options={batchPlotConfigurationsItems.sort((a, b) => -b.plot_type.localeCompare(a.plot_type))}
isOptionEqualToValue={(opt, val) => val ? opt?.id === val?.id : false}
groupBy={option => PlotTypeText[option.plot_type]}
onChange={(_e, val) => handleSelectChange(val)}
diff --git a/src/app-pages/project/batch-plotting/helper.js b/src/app-pages/project/batch-plotting/helper.js
index 22d2425d..66d6e994 100644
--- a/src/app-pages/project/batch-plotting/helper.js
+++ b/src/app-pages/project/batch-plotting/helper.js
@@ -51,7 +51,14 @@ export const determineDateRange = date_range => {
case '1 year':
return [dateAgo(365), new Date()];
- return date_range?.split(' ').map(date => DateTime.fromFormat(date, 'yyyy-MM-dd').toJSDate());
+ try {
+ const date = date_range?.split(' ').map(date => DateTime.fromFormat(date, 'yyyy-MM-dd').toJSDate());
+ return date;
+ } catch (e) {
+ // eslint-disable-next-line no-console
+ console.error(e);
+ return [dateAgo(365), new Date()];
+ }