- Major factions are split into 7 core systems and multiple border systems
- Minor factions are split into 4 core systems
- Adds neutral sector(s) between major factions
- Removes all highways and super highways
- Replaces all gates and provides increased connections between systems
- Improves universe spawning for a war heavy games
- Adjusts amount of stations
- Adjusts critical stations to spawn in faction's core systems
- Improves NPC jobs for a war heavy gamestart
- Adjusts ship limits for galaxy and sector (more ships, larger fleets, stronger economy)
- Adds critical economy jobs that will always rebuild if lost
- AI ships use faction paint mods
- Improves L/XL travel scripts
- Increases trade allotted relative price for AI jobs (more goods moved)
- Changes autotrader skill requirement to level 1 and adjusts jump ranges
- Reorganizes AI ware baskets
- Improves drone loadout of AI ships
- HAT/ALI/SCA/MIN have complete economy
- Removes spawning of ships except khaak
- Factions will build an additional tradestation for intermediate good if economy is strong
- Factions will police their own space
- HAT/ALI/SCA/MIN have their own space and faction logic