> Open this page at [https://unsignedarduino.github.io/4096/](https://unsignedarduino.github.io/4096/) ## Use as Extension This repository can be added as an **extension** in MakeCode. * open [https://arcade.makecode.com/](https://arcade.makecode.com/) * click on **New Project** * click on **Extensions** under the gearwheel menu * search for **https://github.com/unsignedarduino/4096** and import ## Edit this project  To edit this repository in MakeCode. * open [https://arcade.makecode.com/](https://arcade.makecode.com/) * click on **Import** then click on **Import URL** * paste **https://github.com/unsignedarduino/4096** and click import ## Blocks preview This image shows the blocks code from the last commit in master. This image may take a few minutes to refresh.  #### Metadata (used for search, rendering) * for PXT/arcade <script src="https://makecode.com/gh-pages-embed.js"></script><script>makeCodeRender("{{ site.makecode.home_url }}", "{{ site.github.owner_name }}/{{ site.github.repository_name }}");</script>