##[6.0] | Vanta Interactive (RaccoonV2)
- Uses Obsidian design system, modern interface that adjusts to many screen sizes
- Language support for Latin characters (DE, EN, ES, FI, FR, NL, RO)
- Uses Jekyll, Liquid to quickly create templates and layouts for game, post and index pages, which drastically cut development time to less than a week for all websites that were changed, including the AlexTECPlayz website
- Re-brand
- With V6, other websites were also released as subdomains: Docs, Legal, Status, Support (dot) vantainteractive.com
##[5.0] | Vanta Interactive (Initial GH-Pages website)
- Overly minimalist design
##[4.0] | Vanta Interactive (Blogger website)
- Uses 'Slides' theme from FreeHTML5 website
##[3.0] | Vanta Interactive (Blogger website)
- A theme from the now-defunct ThemesWear website
##[2.0] | Evo-Catalyst Softworks (Blogger website)
##[1.0] | 2A Games (Initial Blogger website)
- Initial website, using one of the templates provided by Blogger