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Troubleshooting & FAQs

314pies edited this page Apr 28, 2021 · 33 revisions

Can I delete the cloned projects folder from file explorer without using the ClonesManager window?

Yes, you can.

Should cloned project folders be ignored by the version control system(ex: git)?

Yes, it should. If the cloned projects are inside the folder with version-control, ignore it (cloned project folders are placed right next to the original project folder).
Take git as example, you may want to add something like *_clone_[0-9]*/ to your .gitignore

Can I make changes to the project from the clone editor instances?

Saving assets directly from the clone editors is not recommended since it may be overridden by other editor instances. By default, asset serialization is being disabled on all clone instances and changes can only be made from the original project editor. This feature can be disabled from the preferences window if needed.

Why aren't my changes being sync to the clone editor?

Changes need to be saved to the disk to be reflected in the clone editor, to make sure this happens:

  • In the Original Editor: Do "File -> Save" and "File -> Save Project".
  • In the Clone Editor: Manual refresh by pressing "Ctrl + R" or Enabled "Auto Refresh" in "Edit->Preference->General" (Which is enabled by default)

Can't clone the project / Can't open the cloned project

  • Make sure your project folder is being placed on a file system that supports the symbolic link. For example: NTFS
    (Some file system commonly used in external storage, such as exFat, FAT32, doesn't support symbolic links)

  • Make sure all files' path length in the project won't exist 260 characters, as this is the default Windows limitation.

Clones remain running status in Clones Manager after unexpected Unity crashed

ParrelSync is determining the clone running status by checking the Temp/UnityLockfile file.
However, in some cases(ex: Unity crash), the Temp/UnityLockfile won't be cleaned up.
If this happened, try deleting the Temp folder to reset the clone running status.

Why is Unity keeps Resolving packages when switching between clone and original?

This is a known issue of the current version of ParrelSync.
A temporary workaround will be by manually replacing the clone's Packages folder with the one copy from the original project.
This will be resolved in the future update of ParrelSync.
Update: This has been fixed in the latest release

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