One goal of these project is to be eventually merged into cabal-install
However, for now the code written by me (Oleg Grenrus) is licensed under
GPL-3.0-or-later. I promise to relicense it to BSD-3-Clause for inclusion to
. I already contributed the most of underlying functionality
of cabal-fmt
to Cabal
To make the future relicensing possible, I require contributions
to be made under BSD-3-Clause, making the combined license of this project
GPL-3.0-or-later AND BSD-3-Clause
I'll do the necessary refactorings, so substantial new code can be
added as new modules, which should be marked with Copyright: You
License: BSD-3-Clause
Why such complication? Why not BSD-3-Clause to begin with?
I want this code to be first included into cabal-install
One would need to do few refactoring for making configuration knobs pleasant.
If someone would like the cabal-fmt
functionality to be included in their
proprietrary product, they could help with cabal-install
part of the story.