All @Buildable
classes can be dynamically accessed.
Let's consider following data tree structure.
data class Root(
val branch1: Branch,
val branch2: Branch?,
val list: List<Branch>,
val map: Map<String, Branch>
data class Branch(
val stringValue: String
You can access elements in following way
fun accessElement(root: Root) {
with(root.dynamicAccessor) {
this["branch1"] // returns root.branch1
this["$.CUSTOM_NAME"] // returns root.branch2
this["$.list"] // returns root.list
this["$.map"] // returns
this["$.branch1.stringValue"] // returns root.branch1.stringValue
this["$.list[0].stringValue"] // returns root.list[0].stringValue
this["$.map['someKey'].stringValue"] // returns root.list[0].stringValue
this["""$.map["someKey"].stringValue"""] // returns root.list[0].stringValue
this["$.map.someKey.stringValue"] // returns root.list[0].stringValue
If element is not found ElementNotFoundException
is thrown.
Dynamic access honors rename annotations.
are supported out of the box.