Couse Video: Walker Walks@Youtube
JavaScript is a proramming language which can be used in the client-site like browsers. Normaly it's used to make pages dynamic giving interactivity like Swapping imagas, checking forms, Changing and rewrighting HTML & CSS. Sometimes people confuse with Java but nothing to do with it.
Who is this course for? This course covers basics and common usage of JavaScript, so if you are new to JavaScript or programming, want improve your web skills I beleave it very userful.
In this Course we are going to learn JavaScript based on ES6(old name ECMAScript2015) and best practices. throw making common UI parts like "Image Hover Action", "Line-out Text", "Carousel", "Accordion Menu" and more.
Knowlidge of
- Basic archive manipulation
- HTML and CSS
Author: Marcio Koji Carvalho
Version: 0.1
License: CC BY-SA