This is a rough list of "tests to write". Everything here should either be specified in, have a link to an open issue/PR, or be obvious. Comments/corrections/additions welcome.
Linear memory semantics:
- test that one can clobber the entire contents of the linear memory without corrupting: call stack, local variables, program execution.
Misc optimizer bait:
- test that the scheduler doesn't move a trapping div past a call which may not return
- test that linearized multidimensional array accesses can have overindexing in interesting ways
- test that 32-bit loop induction variables that wrap aren't promoted to 64-bit
- test that code after a non-obviously infinite loop is not executed
Misc x86 optimizer bait:
- test that oeq handles NaN right in if, if-else, and setcc cases
SIMD (post-MVP):
- test that SIMD insert/extract don't canonicalize NaNs
- test that SIMD lanes are in little-endian order
- test non-constant-index and out-of-bounds shuffle masks
- test that subnormals work as intended
- test that byte-misaligned accesses work
Threads (post-MVP):
- test that thread-local variables are actually thread-local
- test that atomic operations that isLockFree says are lock-free actually are (is this possible?)
- test that isLockFree is true for datatypes that the spec says should always be lock-free
- test that 16-bit and 8-bit cmpxchg does a wrapped 8-bit or 16-bit compare
FMA (post-MVP):