- BREAKING CHANGES: A critical error with the hash entry calculation for counting Bloom filters has been fixed. Hashes were encoded incorrectly by Jedis in the 1.x-based releases. Therefore, the Redis-backed counting Bloom filter implementation is not backward compatible to older releases. To avoid problems during upgrade, make sure to start with a clean Redis when upgrading to 2.0!
- Introduced a new expiring Bloom filter which maintains Bloom filter entry expiration completely in Redis
- Counting and expiration-based Bloom filters can be migrated between in-memory and Redis-backed implementations
- Many small improvements and a general interface overhaul
- Better implementation of ExpiringBloomFilter#reportWrites bulk methods
- Add interface for ExpiringBloomFilter#reportWrites bulk methods
- Make the RedisPool configurable #42
- Support sentinel and master/slave setups for the redis backed Bloom Filter #39
- Support database number to support redis namespaces
- Fix NullPointerException in CountingBloomFilterRedis #40
- Implement SSL configuration for redis #38
- Implement ExpiringBloomFilterMemory#clear()
- Changed default hash function to Murmur3KirschMitzenmacher
- Fixed and tested problem in ExpirationQueue
- Fixed and tested problem in ExpirationQueue
- Fixed a problem with overwritten Redis paramters in existing Bloom filters
- Fix overwritten host names when the config builder was copied
- Fixed overflow and underflow behaviour in the memory Counting Bloom filters
- Added test for reusing RedisPools
- Fixed Overflow Behaviour in the memory Counting Bloom filters
- Added possibility to add Redis Pool in the Builder
- Added authentication
- Fixed Race Condition in getBitSet
- Fixed Problem with byte[] signatures and Generics
- Some improvements on the expiring Bloom Filter
- Several bug fixes
- improved tests
- Added the expiring Bloom filter
- Fixed bug in JSON Converter and added conversion testing
- performance optimizations for 8, 16, 32, 64 bit in-memory counting Bloom filters through native arrays (speed improvement ~ 10x)
- Fixed Jedis-related Stackoverflow issue in bulk methods