Team 5
In summary, the idea behind boosting is:
- Locate the "weak learners"
- Weight them and add them up
- Get a stronger predictor
There are various methods of Boosting available. R provides several packages you can use. However, we will only discuss GBM (Gradient Boosting) and ADABoost (Adaptive Boosting) as both are the most popular packages for boosting regression and classification trees, respectively:
GBM - known as gradient boosting. produces a prediction model in the form of an ensemble of weak prediction models, where the prediction models are determined iteratively (sequentially). Can be used on regression and classification trees. We use it here for regression.
ADABoost - an "adaptive learning" model. AdaBoost is adaptive in the sense that subsequent weak learners are tweaked in favor of those instances misclassified by previous classifiers. The output of the other learning algorithms ('weak learners') is combined into a weighted sum that represents the final output of the boosted classifier.
To get started, you will need the "Boston" data set and the "gbm" package for gradient boosting.
# install.packages("MASS")
# install.packages("gbm")
library(MASS) # Boston data set
Next, We'll develop a Boston training and test set.
- Set seed to 1 for reproducibility.
- Use 50% random sample of the Boston data set as a training set
- Remaining variables will be the test set
train = sample(1:nrow(Boston), nrow(Boston)/2)
boston.test = Boston[-train,"medv"]
The most common package in R for boosting decision trees is the "gbm" package. The functions we will be using from the "gbm" package are simply gbm().
Lets apply gbm to the Boston data set: = gbm(medv ~., #formula
data = Boston[train,], #training dataset
distribution = 'gaussian', #'gaussian' for regression models, 'bernoulli' for classification
n.trees = 5000, #number of trees
interaction.depth = 4, #depth of each tree or number of leaves
shrinkage = 0.001 #0.001 default value
# Recall shrinkage can be 0.1 to 0.001. The smaller the shrinkage parameter (lambda) the greater the number of trees necessary
Let's analyze the boosting effects by using summary().
![](Figures/Relative Influence-1.png)
## var rel.inf
## lstat lstat 45.96792013
## rm rm 31.22018272
## dis dis 6.80567724
## crim crim 4.07534048
## nox nox 2.56586166
## ptratio ptratio 2.26983216
## black black 1.78740116
## age age 1.64495723
## tax tax 1.36917603
## indus indus 1.27052715
## chas chas 0.80066528
## rad rad 0.20727091
## zn zn 0.01518785
The summary of the boosted data set shows us a relative influence plot of the variables and a table with each exact statistics.
- What does relative influence mean?
What relative influence attempts to convey is the decrease in MSE for each unit change in the predictor. For example, in the graph above, we see that the lstat variable has the largest impact on MSE. Stating that for each unit change (decrease in this example) in lstat, the MSE decreases by 45.96 for predicting the medv (medivan value) of a home.
Take note that lstat and rm are the most influential variables in the data set. We can create a partial dependence plot for both variables to analyze their effects individually.
These plots illustrate the marginal effect (the change in predicted probability for a unit change in the predictor) of the selected variables on the response after integrating out the other variables. In this case, as we might expect, median house prices are increasing with rm and decreasing with lstat.
plot(,i="rm", col= 'red', lwd = 2, main = "Average Number of Rooms")
# "i"" is the x variable used from the boosting model
plot(,i="lstat", col = 'blue', lwd = 2, main = "% Lower Status of Population")
![](Figures/Partial Dependence Plot of Boston-1.png)
We can now use the boosted model to predict the median value (medv) on the test set.
yhat.boost <- predict(, newdata = Boston[-train,], n.trees = 5000) # Use 5000 trees again for test set
gbm.test.mse <- mean((yhat.boost - boston.test)^2)
## [1] 11.84694
- Take note of the 11.85 test MSE for later.
Can we improve the accuracy of the boosted model and lower the test MSE?
Let's adjust the shrinkage paramater:
boost.boston2 = gbm(medv ~., #formula
data = Boston[train,], #training dataset
distribution = 'gaussian', #'gaussian' for regression models, 'bernouli' for classification
n.trees = 5000, #number of trees
interaction.depth = 4, #depth of each tree or number of leaves
shrinkage = 0.2, #Increased param to 0.2
verbose = F #Don't print performance indicators
yhat.boost2 = predict(boost.boston2 ,newdata = Boston[-train,], n.trees = 5000)
gbm.mse.02 <- mean((yhat.boost2 -boston.test)^2)
Which of the two boosted models has the lowest MSE?
print(paste("MSE of Boosted Default: ", gbm.test.mse))
## [1] "MSE of Boosted Default: 11.8469398169183"
print(paste("MSE of Boosted with .2 Shrinkage: ", gbm.mse.02))
## [1] "MSE of Boosted with .2 Shrinkage: 12.1405273629917"
ADABoost is an adaptive learning function and a form of additive logistic regression. However, ada cannot be applied to regression models. It is only applicable to two-class models or classification models.
ADABoost is the most desired boosting method for classification. To demonstrate ADA, we will use a classification data set called "churn". The following R packages are necessary for performing ADABoost:
- "C50" - contains the "churn" dataset
- "ada" - for adaptive learning boosting. Will apply the weighted averages of each model.
- "ggplot2" - for plotting and comparing results
# install.packages("C50")
# install.packages("ggplot2")
# install.packages("ada")
data(churn) #Pulls churnTrain and churnTest data from C50
na.omit(churnTrain) #MUST ensure that all NA values are omitted from the data
na.omit(churnTest) #Or function will fail
Now, let's apply ADABoost to the churn training set:
adafit <- ada(churn ~., #formula
data = churnTrain, #training data set
iter = 50, #number of tree iterations
bag.frac = 0.5, #Randomly samples the churnTrain set. Value of 1 equivalent to bagging
#maxdepth controls depth of trees (leaves), minsplit is the minimum number of observations in a node before attempting split (20) and that split must decrease the overall error by 0.01 (cp controls complexity)
## Call:
## ada(churn ~ ., data = churnTrain, iter = 50, bag.frac = 0.5,
## rpart.control(maxdepth = 30, minsplit = 20, cp = 0.01, xval = 10))
## Loss: exponential Method: discrete Iteration: 50
## Final Confusion Matrix for Data:
## Final Prediction
## True value no yes
## no 2850 0
## yes 84 399
## Train Error: 0.025
## Out-Of-Bag Error: 0.034 iteration= 50
## Additional Estimates of number of iterations:
## train.err1 train.kap1
## 45 45
Use standard R plot to observe the decreasing training error rate. A series of 5 1's identifies the curve.
![](Figures/ADA curve-1.png)
Determine the variables of importance.
![](Figures/ADA varplot-1.png)
prtrain <- predict(adafit, newdata=churnTrain)
#table(churnTrain[,"churn"], prtrain , dnn=c("Actual", "Predicted"))
round(100* table(churnTrain$churn, prtrain,dnn=c("% Actual", "% Predicted"))/length(prtrain),1)
## % Predicted
## % Actual no yes
## yes 2.5 12.0
## no 85.5 0.0
prtrain <- predict(adafit, newdata=churnTest)
#table(churnTrain[,"churn"], prtrain , dnn=c("Actual", "Predicted"))
round(100* table(churnTest$churn, prtrain,dnn=c("% Actual", "% Predicted"))/length(prtrain),1)
## % Predicted
## % Actual no yes
## yes 5.3 8.1
## no 85.5 1.0