At the time of writing this documentation support for the UR3e with ROS is still in development. The solution provided may break with future work.
Currently tested with UR-Polyscope 5.3.
- Clone fork of ur_modern_driver
- An alternative that may work is found here
- tried this one but could not get to build.
- Cannot use original repository, currently results in a deserializing packet error.
- Install controller_manager
- Needed to build the UR driver.
- Before launch,
- Need to enable Remote Control
- Menu > Settings > System > Remote Control > Enable
- Need to select Remote Control mode instead of Local mode
- Setup or determine your network address
- Update launch file or use robot_configurations file
- reverse port missing in ur_common.launch this needs to be removed from the bringup files. (Or use use the file provided in robot_configurations).
- If using MoveIt, need to update the universal_robot package e-series MoveIt planning context launch files.
- Currently they point to UR3 URDFs instead of the UR3e URDFs.
- Alternatively use the MoveIt configuraiton provided in the robot_configurations repository.
Provided in the Lab's Robotiq driver repository is an action server to send a URScript to the UR3e robot to control the gripper. This requires the ur_modern_driver to run.
Driver is currently under development, thus not all features are available at this time. Note: it does not receive feedback and just delays for assumed time.
Run this node with values:
rosrun robotiq_85_driver speed:=255 urscript_topic:=/ur_driver/URScript
universal_robot package e-series MoveIt planning context need to be changed to correct URDFs.
- Currently they point to UR3 URDFs instead of the UR3e URDFs.
ur_modern_driver reverse port missing in ur_common.launch.
- Need to use the robot_bringup launch files provided in the robot_configurations repository.
After a protective stop, MoveIt seems to freeze up when commanding robot. Need to restart driver.
- This may be a problem with switching to local mode in general (unconfirmed)
Robot must be powered and brake-released to control the robot, however joint-states are provided when powered but still locked.
If using ROS melodic, then all moveit packages that have 'move_group/MoveGroupExecuteService' loaded in move_group under capabilities needs to have it removed to run without error.
ur_modern driver launches a robot_state_publisher which we don't always want.
ur_modern_driver sends out to joint_states. Use the robot_bringup launch file which wraps this with a namespace.