Eric M Davis*1, Yu Sun*1,2, Yanling Liu*1, Pandurang Kolekar1, Ying Shao1, Karol Szlachta1, Heather L Mulder1, Dongren Ren3, Stephen V Rice1, Zhaoming Wang4, Joy Nakitandwe5, Alex Gout1, Bridget Shaner1, Salina Hall6,Leslie L Robison4, Stanley Pounds7, Jefferey Klco5, John Easton1, Xiaotu Ma1#
1 Department of Computational Biology, St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital, Memphis, TN
2 Department of Computer Science, University of Memphis, Memphis, TN
3 Independent Researcher, Memphis, TN
4 Department of Epidemiology & Cancer Control, St. Jude Children's Research Hospital, Memphis, TN
5 Department of Pathology, St. Jude Children's Research Hospital, Memphis, TN
6 Discovery Life Sciences, Huntsville, AL
7 Department of Biostatistics, St. Jude Children's Research Hospital, Memphis, TN
# To whom correspondence should be addressed:
SequencErr app is available on St. Jude Cloud at for non-profit research uses.
Davis, E.M. et al. SequencErr: measuring and suppressing sequencer errors in next-generation sequencing data. Genome Biol 22, 37 (2021).
Following packages and their respective dependencies should be installed before using the R scripts in this repository. At the time of analysis R v3.6.1 was used to generate the figures.
- beeswarm
- ggpubr
- pheatmap
- RColorBrewer
install.packages(c('beeswarm', 'ggpubr', 'pheatmap', 'RColorBrewer'), repos = '', dependencies = TRUE)
Unzip the archives and
Please find pairerror data used in this study in the folder data/pairerror.
All figures and related codes can be found in the folder analysis:
- Fig1.e,f,g: Fig1_flowcell/heatmap/*pdf
- Fig2.a,b and FigS2: in Fig2ab_S2_cross_platform_instrument_comparison/*pdf
- Fig2.c,d: Fig2cd_compare_surface/*pdf
- Fig3 and FigS6-8: Fig3_S678_COLO829/*pdf
- FigS1 and FigS3: FigS13/*pdf
- FigS4 and FigS5: FigS45/*pdf
R codes and input data for each figure can be found in the same folder as figure with similar names.