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File metadata and controls

41 lines (29 loc) · 2.2 KB


This is a word-guessing game built using Flutter and the BLoc pattern

Project Structure

Here’s a quick rundown of how the project is set up:

  • main.dart: Standard main file required for Flutter projects.

  • domain.dart: Contains the game logic and corresponding class definitions.

  • data.dart: Contains the classes that interact with storage and allows for better data handling.

  • app: A folder with the app widget and also a helper file with colors defined by the brand guidelines.

  • monitoring: A folder with a helper class that will help you track your Blocs and Cubits.

  • presentation: Contains different folders that build the game's UI:

    • bloc has a bloc definition for handling game interactions and possible outcomes from it like winning or losing.
    • cubit has a cubit definition for handling the stats displayed in an in-game dialog.
    • pages has all the pages.
    • widgets contains all the reusable widgets.
    • dialogs has all the game’s dialog.

    You can build and run the app from your preferred working environment [VSCode, InteliJ or Android Studio].

Dependency Used

Here is a non-exhaustive list of third-party dependencies used in this project.


works to implement dependency injection using get_it is still in progress.
