You must enable the following repositories to be able to install all the build dependencies:
Distributions | Dependency | Installation | Notes |
RHEL and clones | EPEL | dnf install epel-release |
use epel-next-release on CentOS stream |
RHEL and clones | Power Tools |
dnf config-manager --set-enabled powertools |
also known as PowerTools on some variants / versions |
RHEL 9 and clones | CRB |
dnf config-manager --set-enabled crb |
All | rpmfusion | configuration |
The spec file can be found here:
dnf builddep xpra.spec
You may also refer to the more generic list of dependencies
Alternatively, if you want to install a more limited set of build dependencies,
you can use the dev-env
build subcommand which will honour setup arguments. ie:
./ dev-env --minimal --with-openh264
(available in xpra v6.1 onwards)
python3 ./ install
The quick and easy way:
mkdir -p ~/rpmbuild/SOURCES/ >& /dev/null
git clone
cd xpra
python3 ./ sdist --formats=xz
cp dist/*xz patches/* ~/rpmbuild/SOURCES/
rpmbuild -ba ./packaging/rpm/xpra.spec
ls -s ~/rpmbuild/RPMS/*/
This builds fresh packages from git master.
You can also use other branches, tags or download a source release instead.