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"Watt Toolkit" is an open source cross-platform multi-purpose game toolkit, most of its features require you to download and install Steam to use it.
- Official WebSite
- GitHub Releases
- Gitee Releases
- Arch User Repository(Current release build)
- Arch User Repository dev(Pull the latest source code build, maybe the build will fail)
See details ./doc/download-guide.en.md
- Account Switch
- Switch between Steam accounts that are already logged in on the current PC with one click, and manage features such as sorting your home shared library.
- Inventory Management
- Lets you manage your Steam game inventory directly, not only by downloading older Steam games, but also by managing Steam game achievements directly, supporting unlocked achievements and unlocked achievements.
- Local Authentication
- Let your cell phone token unified save in the computer, currently only support Steam token, later will develop support more token types with cloud synchronization token.
- ArchiSteamFarm
- Integration with ArchiSteamFarm provides functions such as hanging and dropping Steam Collectible Cards within the app.
- Game Tools
- Force game windows to use borderless windowing
- Windows 11
- Windows 10 version 1809(OS internal version 17763) or higher is required
- macOS 10.15 or higher is required
- Ubuntu 18.04 or higher is required
- Debian 10 or higher is required
- CentOS 7 or higher is required
- Deepin(UOS) 20 or higher is required
iOS 11 or higher is required(In development…)- Android 5.0(API 21) or higher is required
Read what we milestones, and feel free to ask questions.
Visual Studio 2022
Visual Studio 2022 for Mac
JetBrains Rider
Visual Studio Code
OpenJDK 17
Android Studio Electric Eel Or Higher
Xcode 14 Or Higher
- Newtonsoft.Json
- System.Reactive
- Titanium-Web-Proxy
- FastGithub
- Portable.BouncyCastle
- SteamAchievementManager
- ArchiSteamFarm
- Steam4NET
- WinAuth
- SteamDesktopAuthenticator
- Gameloop.Vdf
- DnsClient.NET
- MessagePack-CSharp
- MemoryPack
- CSharpVitamins.ShortGuid
- Nito.Comparers
- Nito.Disposables
- Crc32.NET
- gfoidl.Base64
- sqlite-net-pcl
- AutoMapper
- Polly
- TaskScheduler
- SharpZipLib
- SevenZipSharp
- ZstdNet
- Depressurizer
- NLog
- NUnit
- ReactiveUI
- MessageBox.Avalonia
- AvaloniaUI
- AvaloniaGif
- Avalonia XAML Behaviors
- FluentAvalonia
- Moq
- Fleck
- Swashbuckle.AspNetCore
- AspNet.Security.OpenId.Providers
- AspNet.Security.OAuth.Providers
- ZXing.Net
- QRCoder
- QR Code Generator for .NET
- TinyPinyin
- TinyPinyin.Net
- Packaging utilities for .NET Core
- React
- Ant Design
- Ant Design Blazor
- Toast messages for Xamarin.iOS
- ImageCirclePlugin
- Visual Studio App Center SDK for .NET
- AppCenter-XMac
- MSBuild.Sdk.Extras
- Xamarin.Essentials
- Xamarin.Forms
- Open Source Components for Xamarin
- Google Play Services / Firebase / ML Kit for Xamarin.Android
- Picasso
- OkHttp
- Material Components for Android
- AndroidX for Xamarin.Android
- Android Jetpack
- ConstraintLayout
- Entity Framework Core
- ASP.NET Core
- Windows Forms
- Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF)
- C#/WinRT
- command-line-api
- .NET Runtime
- Fluent UI System Icons
- Material design icons