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212 lines (152 loc) · 5.66 KB

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An express.js framework for browser clients that leverages the browser History API. Enables a subset of express.js functionality for use in browser environments, including middleware, routing, and request/response.


const express = require('express-client');
const app = express();

// Set up home view renderer
app.cache['home'] = {
  render(options, done) {
    // Render home view

// Handle home path
app.get('/', function(req, res, next) {

// Start litening for history API events



Factory method for creating Application instances.

const express = require('express-client');
const app = express();


  • locals Object: global object for defining properties to be made available to views called during response.render()

use([path], ...callbacks([err,] req, res, next))

Register one or more middleware handlers at optional route path. Path matching and param parsing syntax is the same as for express.js (via path-to-regex). Function handler syntax follows the standard Connect middleware pattern, including 4 argument error middleware.

const app = express();

// Handle unhandled requests
app.use(function unhandledMiddleware(err, req, res, next) {
  const status = err.statusCode || err.code;
  const msg = err.message || err.msg;

  if (err && status != 404) return console.log(err.stack);

param(name, callback(req, res, next, value))

Map logic to route parameters, enabling validation and async middleware operations.

app.param('localeCode', function(req, res, next, code) {
  // Do not handle other locales directly
  if (code == config.defaultLocaleCode) {
    res.localeCode = code;
  } else {
    // 404 wrong locale
    const err = new Error('invalid locale code: ' + code);
    err.statusCode = 404;

set(key, value)

Assign value to key.

app.set('config', { api: '/api' });
app.get('config').api; //=> '/api'


Retrieve value for key.

app.get('env'); //=> 'development'

METHOD(path, ...callbacks(req, res, next))

NOTE: in contrast to server-side express, the client makes no distinction between method verbs (get, post, etc). Routing functionality where, unlike regulare middleware, all verb middleware path's are strictly matched. In addition, query parameters are always ignored when matching

// Will not match '/blog/article123'
app.get('/blog', function(req, res, next) {
  // Handle...
// Will match all
app.get('*', function(req, res, next) {
  // Handle...


Begin listening for url changes via the browser History API. If the API is not supported, the initial bootstrap request will be routed as normal, but subsequent calls to app.navigateTo will be sent directly to the server.


navigateTo(url, title, isUpdate, noScroll)

Change the current browser history state by navigating to url. Will trigger a new request/response cycle through the middleware pipeline. If the History API is not supported, will send request directly to the server.


redirectTo(url, title)

Unlike navigateTo, will not attempt to handle the request, and will instead send request directly to the server.



Retrieve the current request/response context.

const { req, res } = app.getCurrentContext();


  • url|originalUrl String: the full url, including querystring
  • path String: non-querystring portion of url
const app = express();

app.get('/', function(req, res, next) {
  console.log(req.originalUrl, req.path); //=> '/', '/'
  • search String: the querystring portion of the url, including '?'
  • querystring String: the querystring portion of the url, excluding '?'
  • query Object: the parsed querystring object
  • cached Boolean: flag indicating that this request has been pulled from cache (after navigating forewards/backwards in history)
  • app Application: reference to the current Application instance


  • locals Object: object for defining properties to be made available to views called during render()
  • statusCode Number: retrieve status code for response. Status codes are generally ignored, with the exception of handled requests 200, unhandled requests 404, and aborted requests 499
  • cached Boolean: flag indicating that this request has been pulled from cache (after navigating forewards/backwards in history)
  • app Application: reference to the current Application instance.
  • req Request: reference to the corresponding Request instance


Set the status code retrievable via res.statusCode


Complete response (last method called in pipeline). Emits a finish event.

app.use(function(req, res, next) {
  res.on('finish', cleanUp);


Abort response. Emits a close event.


See application.redirect(url)

render(view, [options], [callback(err)])

Complete response by rendering view with (optional) options data:

app.get('/', function(req, res, next) {
  res.render('home', { title: 'home' });