Leveraging the local genetic structure for trans-ancestry association mapping
$ git clone https://github.com/YangLabHKUST/LOG-TRAM.git
$ conda env create -f environment.yml
$ conda activate tram
check the installation status
$ python ./src/LOG-TRAM.py -h
usage: LOG-TRAM.py [-h] --out OUT --sumstats-popu1 FILE,PHENOTYPE [FILE,PHENOTYPE ...] --sumstats-popu2 FILE,PHENOTYPE
[FILE,PHENOTYPE ...] --ldscores LDSCORES [--use_snps USE_SNPS] [--out-harmonized] [--out-reg-coef]
[--reg-int-ident] [--reg-int-diag] [--allowed-chr-values ALLOWED_CHR_VALUES [ALLOWED_CHR_VALUES ...]]
[--remove-palindromic-snps] [--num_threads NUM_THREADS]
Leverage local genetic architecture for trans-ancestry association mapping
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--out OUT output file path
--sumstats-popu1 FILE,PHENOTYPE [FILE,PHENOTYPE ...]
summary statisitcs F(file path),P(phenotype) of population 1, separated by whitespace
--sumstats-popu2 FILE,PHENOTYPE [FILE,PHENOTYPE ...]
summary statisitcs F(file path),P(phenotype) of population 2, separated by whitespace
--ldscores LDSCORES specifies prefix of the LD score files computed by S-LDXR (popu1 <corresponding to population of --sumstats-
popu1>, popu2 <corresponding to population of --sumstats-popu2>, trans-ethnic), If the filename prefix
contains the symbol @, LOG-TRAM will replace the @ symbol with chromosome number, then add the suffix
--use_snps USE_SNPS SNPs list file (one rsID per line), If specified, this list will be used to restrict the final list of SNPs
--out-harmonized If specified, LOG-TRAM will output harmonized summary statistics to disk
--out-reg-coef If specified, LOG-TRAM will output LD score regression coeficients to disk
--reg-int-ident Optional argument indicating that the LDscore regression intercept matrix should be set to be the identity
--reg-int-diag Optional argument indicating that the LDscore regression intercept matrix should have off-diagonal elements
set to zero
--allowed-chr-values ALLOWED_CHR_VALUES [ALLOWED_CHR_VALUES ...]
specify the allowed values for the chromosome
This option removes the SNPs whose major and minor alleles form a base pair
--num_threads NUM_THREADS
number of threads
We provide source codes and datasets for reproducing the experiments of LOG-TRAM meta-analysis of 29 EAS and EUR traits, and 17 AFR and EUR/EAS traits in the demos
- T2D
- 26 Other Traits
- 17 AFR Traits
- Simulations in Supplementary text and codes for generating figures
We illustrate the usage of LOG-TRAM by applying it to the GWAS summary statistics of BMI from BBJ male and UKBB with 1 Mbp non-overlapping sliding windows as local regions. The GWAS datasets and LDscores files involved in the following example are availabel from here
Input files of LOG-TRAM include:
- GWAS summay statistics files of the target and auxiliary populations
- LDscore files (from S-LDXR)
The LOG-TRAM format GWAS summary statistics file has at least 11 fields:
- SNP: SNP rsid
- CHR: chromosome
- BP: base pair
- A1: effect allele
- A2: other allele
- FRQ: effect allele frequency
- BETA: marginal effect size
- SE: standard error
- N: sample size
- Z: Z-scores
- P: p-value
$ head BMI_harmonized_pop2_BBJ.txt
1 752566 rs3094315 G A 0.8438 -0.0035920490000000004 0.006645739 -0.5405041 0.5889 85894
1 846808 rs4475691 C T 0.1411 0.004290303 0.0069305669999999995 0.6190406999999999 0.5359 85894
1 854250 rs7537756 A G 0.1766 0.0013868110000000002 0.0063270719999999996 0.2191868 0.8265 85894
1 861808 rs13302982 A G 0.5404 0.0138975119697173 0.00484123214245955 2.8706559736788 0.004093 85894
1 863124 rs4040604 G T 0.5421 0.01388188 0.0048426 2.866618 0.004145 85894
1 880238 rs3748592 A G 0.9454 -0.01863968 0.01061939 -1.75525 0.07931 85894
1 882803 rs2340582 A G 0.9462 -0.0187335737094156 0.0106935272024001 -1.75186104218362 0.07986 85894
1 884815 rs4246503 A G 0.9422 -0.01772236 0.01033875 -1.7141680000000001 0.08656 85894
1 888659 rs3748597 T C 0.9526 -0.01932025 0.01135427 -1.701585 0.0888 85894
LDscore files were computed by S-LDXR with easily accessible 1000 Genomes project genotypes as reference panels. For reproducibility, we provide the LDscore files of EUR, EAS, AFR, and trans-ancestries for 1 Mbp non-overlapping sliding windows here
Once the input files are formatted, LOG-TRAM will automatically preprocess the datasets, including SNPs overlapping and minor allele matching. It takes 8 mins to run the following meta-analysis for the whole genome (computing environment: 20 CPU cores of Intel(R) Xeon(R) Gold 6230N CPU @ 2.30GHz processor, 1TB of memory, and a 22 TB solid-state disk).
python <install path>/src/LOG-TRAM.py \
--out BMI_meta \
--sumstats-popu1 BMI_harmonized_pop1_UKB.txt,BMI_UKB \
--sumstats-popu2 BMI_harmonized_pop2_BBJ.txt,BMI_BBJ \
--ldscores ./LDscoresEUR-EAS/ldsc_annot_EUR_EAS_1mb_TGP_hm3_chr@_std
LOG-TRAM will output two meta-analysis files, corresponding to EAS and EUR respectively. LOG-TRAM will add the inputed phenotype name after --out
argument automatically. Usually, we focus on the under-represented populations such as EAS:
$ head BMI_meta_TRAM_pop2_BMI_BBJ.txt
1 752566 rs3094315 G A 0.8438 -0.0015213296260925097 0.0028724631954416806 -0.5296254547340108 5.963716420681353e-1 85894 142023.18563988016
1 846808 rs4475691 C T 0.1411 0.0024243137461232656 0.0032506101165059613 0.7458026829526787 4.557866190070761e-1 85894 142023.18563988016
1 854250 rs7537756 A G 0.1766 0.0018498950124382176 0.0030984860402657115 0.597031901515225 5.504860818628083e-1 85894 142023.18563988016
1 861808 rs13302982 A G 0.5404 0.009935609855423763 0.0035296626853253818 2.8148893368001393 4.879403304370678e-3 85894 142023.18563988016
1 863124 rs4040604 G T 0.5421 0.010249240519351707 0.0035059696552997184 2.923368290954452 3.4626668356417944e-3 85894 142023.18563988016
1 880238 rs3748592 A G 0.9454 -0.016950700361663937 0.006774302735757054 -2.502205912970559 1.234221174580461e-2 85894 142023.18563988016
1 882803 rs2340582 A G 0.9462 -0.01697948824519616 0.006711745870831338 -2.5298169167857703 1.1412205878599073e-2 85894 142023.18563988016
1 884815 rs4246503 A G 0.9422 -0.016311334186057062 0.006506282892858627 -2.507012752851644 1.2175631870410657e-2 85894 142023.18563988016
1 888659 rs3748597 T C 0.9526 -0.017798097900681556 0.007087384241213514 -2.5112364865424786 1.2030907045241506e-2 85894 142023.18563988016
N is the original GWAS sample size, N_eff is the computed effective sample size. N_eff should be larger than N as LOG-TRAM can brorrow information from the large-scale auxiliary dataset.
Please contact Jiashun Xiao (jxiaoae@connect.ust.hk), Mingxuan Cai (mcaiad@ust.hk) or Prof. Can Yang (macyang@ust.hk) if any enquiry.
Jiashun Xiao, Mingxuan Cai, Xinyi Yu, Xianghong Hu, Xiang Wan, Gang Chen, Can Yang. (2022). Leveraging the local genetic structure for trans-ancestry association mapping. The American Journal of Human Genetics, Volume 109, Issue 7.