description |
Learn how to develop Mixed Reality experiences on the web using WebXR Device APIs. WebXR Lessons: |
WebXR Lessons:
{% embed url="" %} WebXR YouTube Channel {% endembed %}
Wellcome to the introduction to WebXR Lessons. We will talk about:
{% content-ref url="3d-on-the-web/" %} 3d-on-the-web {% endcontent-ref %}
{% content-ref url="introduction-to-webxr-device-apis/" %} introduction-to-webxr-device-apis {% endcontent-ref %}
{% content-ref url="a-frame/" %} a-frame {% endcontent-ref %}
{% content-ref url="babylon.js/" %} babylon.js {% endcontent-ref %}
{% content-ref url="3d-on-the-web/project/" %} {% endcontent-ref %}
Short link to WebXR Lessons:
{% embed url="" %} FrontendMasters Introduction to 3D and WebXR Course {% endembed %}
Windows Mixed Reality JavaScript Documentation:
{% embed url="" %} Windows Mixed Reality WebXR Documentation {% endembed %}
Web is for all and web is always free. As a developer, you will always have the right to your own creation and distribution, which is not the case on any other platform.