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Yozzaxia1311 edited this page Aug 4, 2020 · 15 revisions

Welcome to the Mega Man Love wiki!

Have you ever looked at this engine and wonder why basically nothing in the code is documented (as of now)? Fear not, for this wiki will tell you everything you need to know when creating a game with the Mega Man Love engine!-- There are a few exceptions, though. This wiki expects that you're already experienced in Lua, Love2D, and of course, Mega Man.

Where do I start?

The fastest way to acquire Mega Man Love is by downloading the master branch as a zip via the Github website, or by cloning with Git (

To run the engine, use Love2D 11.3. An IDE doesn't really matter, as long as you can edit/create Lua files. Personally, I use ZeroBrane Studio for it's easy-to-setup, lightweight nature- it even has configuration for Love2D! When you run the engine, you should get this:

The engine's disclaimer screen

What do I do now?

You can browse through the wiki manually, but if you're getting started, I recommend learning the basic controls here!

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