功能描述:用户输入充值金额,提交,跳转支付界面(比如可以是一个二维码),支付成功,alert 充值成功。合约逻辑:用户提出一个充值请求。
用户ID user: test@qqqq.com
充值金额 tokenNum: 150
充值请求的ID rechargeID : recharge4
POST Jason Parameters:
"$class": "org.education.UserRecharge",
"tokenNum": 100,
"rechargeID": "recharge1",
"user": "test@qqqq.com"
curl -X POST --header 'Content-Type: application/json' --header 'Accept: application/json' -d ' \
{ \
"$class": "org.education.UserRecharge", \
"tokenNum": 100, \
"rechargeID": "recharge1", \
"user": "test%40qqqq.com" \
}' 'http://IP:3000/api/UserRecharge'
功能描述:用户输入提现金额,alert 提现成功。合约逻辑:用户提出一个提现请求。
机构用户ID user: ZjuEducation@email.com
充值金额 tokenNum: 150
充值请求的ID rechargeID : recharge4
POST Jason Parameters:
"$class": "org.education.CompanyWithdraw",
"tokenNum": 1.05,
"tokenWithdrawID": "Withdraw1",
"company": "ZjuEducation@email.com"
curl -X POST --header 'Content-Type: application/json' --header 'Accept: application/json' -d '{ \
"$class": "org.education.CompanyWithdraw", \
"tokenNum": 1.05, \
"tokenWithdrawID": "Withdraw1", \
"company": "ZjuEducation%40email.com" \
} \
' 'http://IP:3000/api/CompanyWithdraw'
功能描述:用户输入转账金额、转账地址,提交,alert 转账成功。
用户ID from: test@qqqq.com
转账ID to : test@qqq.com
转账金额 transferNum: 1.05
转账记录的ID transferID: transfer1
POST Jason Parameters:
"$class": "org.education.TokenTransferU_U",
"transferNum": 1.05,
"transferID": "transfer1",
"fromuser": "test@qqqq.com",
"to": "test@qqq.com"
curl -X POST --header 'Content-Type: application/json' --header 'Accept: application/json' -d '{ \
"$class": "org.education.TokenTransferU_U", \
"transferNum": 1.05, \
"transferID": "transfer1", \
"fromuser": "test%40qqqq.com", \
"to": "test%40qqq.com" \
}' 'http://IP:3000/api/TokenTransferU_U'
功能描述:用户输入转账金额、转账地址,提交,alert 转账成功。
用户ID from: test@qqqq.com
转账ID to : ZjuEducation@email.com
转账金额 transferNum: 10.5
转账记录的ID transferID: transfer1
POST Jason Parameters:
"$class": "org.education.TokenTransferU_C",
"transferNum": 10.5,
"transferID": "transfer1",
"fromuser": "test@qqqq.com",
"to": "ZjuEducation@email.com"
curl -X POST --header 'Content-Type: application/json' --header 'Accept: application/json' -d '{ \
"$class": "org.education.TokenTransferU_C", \
"transferNum": 10.5, \
"transferID": "transfer1", \
"fromuser": "test%40qqqq.com", \
"to": "ZjuEducation%40email.com" \
}' 'http://IP:3000/api/TokenTransferU_C'