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Zackptg5 edited this page Jan 4, 2020 · 17 revisions

Welcome to the MMT Extended wiki!

What is MMT Extended?

MMT-Ex (Magisk Module Template Extended) is an android template mod that allows you to create an installer that will properly place your files for any root solution, on any device. So rather than stressing about installing your mod, you can focusing on actually developing it.

How do I make a MMT Extended mod?

  1. Add your mod info the module.prop. (See here for what each variable is)
  2. Place your files in their respective directories in the system folder (where they'll be installed to). 3 exceptions to this:
    For apps: if the target device doesn't have a priv-app folder, all priv-app files will be installed to app instead
    For binaries: if target device doesn't have a xbin folder, all xbin files will be installer to bin instead
    For vendor: ALWAYS place in system/vendor (regardless of target device vendor partition - magisk mount takes care of this)
  3. Modify for your mod (instructions for this are in the file)
  4. Add,, and system.prop files in common as you would with any other magisk module (See here for documentation on post-fs-data vs service boot scripts) Proper syntax for props is same as magisk module template:
  5. Add sepolicies to common/sepolicy.rule in this format EXACTLY (NO QUOTES): <Action> <source class> <target class> <permission class> { <permission1 permission2 permission3 etc.> } Syntax is the same as any magisk/supersu sepolicy statement. (See here for more details on sepolicy patching).
  6. Add any custom install logic to common/
  7. Add any custom uninstall logic to common/
  8. Add any custom upgrade only logic to common/ (it's highly unlikely you'll need this - normal upgrade process is uninstall followed by install - this is more for clearing app data or something)
  9. Add any addons you want from here - follow the instructions in each one
  • DO NOT MODIFY ANY OTHER FILES THAN THOSE MENTIONED ABOVE - So all of the files you need to modify are located in the root and common folder of the zip
  • Note that you can delete any of the above listed files in the common folder if you're not using them

Be sure to check out the variables and functions, they make your life easier:


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